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ArboristSite Lurker
Mar 13, 2006
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i am looking for a new stumpgrinder and would like to hearr peoples views on the vermeer sc60 trx and also the carlton 7015 tracked. good and bad reports please.
stump grinders

I have a carton 4400 2005, and a carton 2700,2002 i find the smaller one very good to get into almost any spot, and the 4400 is great as well its only think is it rides up on the mulch so you have to move it , but i do that with the head (wheel) when it get to high but a 6 ft stump takes no time what so every:cheers:
Ive used the vermeer on tracks. It takes some getting used to but it runs really nice.

thanks for the info i have been told the vermeer may have a problamatic drive system to cutter, in that it is gearbox driven and these have been known to go bang , which is expensive to put right compared to a belt system any info ?
vermeer vs, carton

If I were you I would demo the carton to the vermeer I tried the two and there was a big difference in power, :dizzy:
Me i'd say both are pretty good machines I have a preference for Vermeer though,do you intend on using it as a back yard or site clearance machine ?
i run 3 gangs on tree work with another grinding and planting ect, our predator 26 is a great machine but where it has been used on day to day stuff bits fall of!
it is a great little machine but i think i need a larger machine and we run banditt chippers which are built like tanks, usa stuff seems to have a better grade of steel
i have a bandit 12 in, chipper and i love it. The carton grinder I find to do a great job, my 4400 for larger stumps and the 2700 carton can go anywhere, mind you i can pretty much go anywhere with both machine, FOR ME YOU CAN NOT BEAT THE BANDIT CHIPPER AND THE CARTON STUMP GRINDER:biggrinbounce2:
i demo'ed a 2006 sc802 in the past week, and let me tell you what.

i've only used the 7015 carlton self propelled, and what would take 15 minutes with that grinder takes about 2-3 with the 802.

it was pretty pricy, but it ate a 3 foot diameter stump in 3 minutes.

the sales depts/independent owners would love to demo their grinders, so best advice is you be the judge