Once i was riggin' ~700# on single tight line at angle that was leaning the wrong way over house and walkway; one of dem wider than longs; that only one ring can be between C.o.B. and hinge instead of 2+. Told Tiny to keep it tight i need full resistance, he had Por-T. He let it down some, thought i was wrong; course he only let enuff slack for it to fall the way it wanted, then stopped it still as high as me!!(and he knows better).
Now the pirohette around went backwards right into me; i wuz wearing my TITS; felt it push me hard, i heard cracking sound echo up my lil'frame. That is always kinda spooky. i'm so positive about my tie ins, i could visualize them, line tightness etc.; i let go, and allowed the beast to push me around; all i could think was don't resist; only things that resist encounter the force.
The line ended up on top of my leg, tight line cuts very well with handsaw, cracked some walkway; it seemed like forever gettin lanyard out; got caught, was gonna cut it too, couldn't get it tight enuff, and was losing steam and all else... i werked down the 40' to the ground were i was alone no more. Tiny swooped me up like an empty limp sack of 'taters over the shoulder.
Doc said only tendons busted. i think if i had resisted it would have been more; if i wasn't so sure of my TITS (personal flotation devices?), i wouldn't have let it shove me around.
Was on crutches a while from that one! That was when i came up with secured truck lift of climber, to get me up 20' to close another job. i was up thar tied in, standing on one leg (only one small zone left to make man happy); buried the ground and got carried to the truck and home. Kinda stupid, but it was quick and low; and though i couldn't walk across the ground for several daze; on the line though, the fish was back in the water, it felt good!