Every failure has a cause that can be diagnosed. In a two cycle in most cases its as simple as a inspection of the piston after failure. Differant types of failures follow patterns.
Not at all the way I'm reading it, Space. He seems to state that all RCA is opinion, whereas it goes much deeper than opinion.
Anybody had a saw failure (rings, piston, cylinder, etc.) due to poor oil quality? I'm not talking about mix:ratio or octane rating - just a faulure because of cheap-o oil...
I understand where Fish is coming from..
Clean out the filthy gas, rebuild the carb, hand it back to the customer who's so concerned about the price that he won't listen to the speech about premium gas, good oil etc.. A week later it's back.... the guy's mad 'cos "it's worse than the first time he brought it in"... tip out some more sludge from the tank... new filter.. more work.. tell him again to GET RID OF THE GAS AND THE GAS CAN HE'S BEEN USING FOR 30 years...
Next customer... and so it will continue thoughout the spring...
I had one guy do it three times to me... Made him bring his rusty gas can in the third time...
Another guy was using bar oil, but he got the 50:1 part right...
Stihl actually devised a kit to entrap customers in the early 90's, because
a saw owner, after he realized he just locked his saw up with straight gas
would dump the tank, go make a fresh batch of oil mix, and then put that in his tank before heading off to the dealer. The test was to be perfomed in
front of the customer, and was nothing really special, just an eyedropper
to take a few drops of gas out of the carb, and pust them on some brown paper, then take a few drops of known mix, and put them beside the other spot, the only thing the test kit accomplished was really pissing them off.
Sorry, just rambling now
Evil Fish
I understand where Fish is coming from..
Clean out the filthy gas, rebuild the carb, hand it back to the customer who's so concerned about the price that he won't listen to the speech about premium gas, good oil etc.. A week later it's back.... the guy's mad 'cos "it's worse than the first time he brought it in"... tip out some more sludge from the tank... new filter.. more work.. tell him again to GET RID OF THE GAS AND THE GAS CAN HE'S BEEN USING FOR 30 years...
Next customer... and so it will continue thoughout the spring...
I had one guy do it three times to me... Made him bring his rusty gas can in the third time...
Another guy was using bar oil, but he got the 50:1 part right...
Was it canola???![]()