Foggy please Email me at [email protected] i need your help with 056 ignition. Thank you!
Bojan-- post your question for all to share suggestions
Foggy please Email me at [email protected] i need your help with 056 ignition. Thank you!
I've gone through all the trouble shooting and am not a newbie to wrenching. Not sure what is silly. Under full advance of the timing with good spark it will be a sob to pull. I was asking if the capacitor had anything to do with voltage not being high enough.Probably not. Silly question/statement.... I presume the shaft key for the flywheel is OK.
Before you do much more...... try using starter fluid. Just spray a little into the carburetor and give it a try....outside of course. Let us know if the saw responds.
Only early 285 and 2100 saws had it, otherwise they had SEM or femsaYeah Bill, foggy was referring to himself by that statement. Don't feel bad, I had to do a double-read myself, to make sure.
BTW, that's interesting that your 285 has the same ignition. I wonder how many other Hooskies have it.
expose him......Yeah, sure...BA
Does this piece just lift off? It's stuck on pretty good. How do you get it off?
Hello all, my 056 super just died today. Checked for spark and there wasn't any. I have not taken it apart yet but am happy to have found this discussion. Even ordered some capacitors. Is the 630V recommended over the 400V? Is there anywhere closer to order from on ebay? It will take a while to get here from Taiwan.
Yes-- to properly remove it you should use a puller.
Now if you want to be crude and cruel to your beast, place a small ball peen hammer right in the center of the shaft dimple. Hold it steady and WHACK IT with another hammer. Chances are it will pull free. Caution here, the magnets in the flywheel will keep the thing in place so its best to attach the air fins so you can have something to grab onto to pull it free after the whacking.
Remember---me no mechanic.... yeah, English is incorrect along with whacking![]()
Good idea, that is how I have taken flywheels off other saws. I just forgot that I could put the flywheel back on to hold it. When doing it that way, its good to put the nut on to protect the threads at the end of the bolt and hit it directly with a hammer.
I use my 056 for milling frequently so I should really be able to put it to the test if I get it going this way. Thanks for sharing this information.