Summer storm, 100 year floods

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. AS Supporting Member.
Mar 13, 2003
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New Zealand
Had one storm hit us (wellington, new zealand) on sunday, winds well over 120kmph, massive amounts of rain. My girlfriend was on a ferry in which vending machines broke loose from the walls and have a demolition derby of there own in the boat. She looked pretty unwell from the 45 foot swells.

Some huge trees down, 100 year old macrocarpas, huge pines, one site that is a hill side with 70 year plus pinus radiata on it that must be at the least 60 feet in height looks like god lost a game of pick up sticks.
I had to dismantle a euc that had gone horizontal above a house only to be stopped by the phone and power lines.

Nothing quite like climbing vertical up the horizontals of a macrocarpa, those unions are weak when you climb on them that way! Boy so many trees!

Main highways were closed, they had at least 3 tree companies going nuts on one section clearing trees that the council had been warned for years about. twice just trying to go from job to job I have ended up having to clear the road via the 066.

Good news that the last 2 days have been pretty calm, bad news, more rain and 120kmph winds again. Its going to be a long night.Just come in for food and more bar lube. Im just off to fell some trees that are tearing themselves apart at the cathedral, I hope god appreciates it!

Good luck! Be careful!!!


I didn't catch any of that on the weather channel.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could ALL come together, pop down there, and TCOB? Be there in like, a week? Or less? :blob2:

All of us in one hotel? :D
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
[BWouldn't it be cool if we could ALL come together, pop down there, and TCOB? Be there in like, a week? Or less? :blob2:
All of us in one hotel? :D [/B]
Now you're talking! Why not call Wellington and see if they can use contractors? If you can be there in a LOT less than a week, you may get your boot in the door...
$1300 (round trip) and two days flight to Wellington, NZ.

Can they afford the help?

Could probably knock that down a little with a group rate....

then there are visa questions...
I saw horrible pics of that on the news here in Germany. Showed houses falling off of hillsides and some floating down rivers.

Stay safe
saw the destruction on the news ,i think the way weather patterns are changeing were all going to see more weather like this,it reminded me of our 1987 hurricane ,keep safe
Having just gone through Isabel in Richmond and seeing and worked through what 70+ winds did around here, I feel bad for anyone going through 100+winds. Saw plenty of hurricane work in ny & long island back in 85-86 Gloria!!! and it was no fun. Storm work separates the 'lets get it' from the 'we need a bigger boat' in this business.
Good luck and be careful. Expect the unexpected.
Well after a fair bit of wind and rain last night today was blue skys and light breezes, its only teasing though, more storm to hit tomorrow. Had enough time to get both pairs of chainsaw pants, harness ropes boots etc dry.
Any let up in the flood waters is going to be temporary as the next wave is about to hit.

As for contractors, I wish you guys luck, for a start arborists get paid badly down these ways, I dont think youd like the pay cut let alone the exchange rate! secondly the councils arent even hiring the available arborists that they do know.(including the most experienced arborist they have had in the last 10 years)
The biggest tree company in NZ wont hire contractors down these ways after the staff complained about contractors getting more than their regular climbers which is BS as they dont have to spit for gear, insurance etc. So my contract climbing for them has come to a sudden and unwelcome close.
Some experienced hands such as yourselves would be appreciated although there is a distinct lack of trucks, chippers and the like to support you!

We should organise some sort of Arborist emergency exchange program, as these situations do come up time to time, we wouldnt be able to work in each others countries legally but then when has the law ever made our job easier?

Wellington hasnt done to badly from it when compared to Isabel as its a ???? windy town anyhow (tree machine can vouch for that!) the trees tend to be pretty well rooted and anything questionable is generally dealt to early. We are also lucky that since its quite a young city that there are not that many backyard bohemoths.
As of this afternoon alot of it is under control, theres a few messes about but everything that I have attended is stable for now, but there is more to come. Well we shall see.
Alot of farmers have lost stock and crops, not to mention houses and topsoil. Apparently there are lots of onions coming ashore at some beach after the crops got washed away by rising rivers.
Some people arent going to see power, phone or even anyone without a helicopter for quite some time.

No loss of life so far, its quite amazing.
Here we have had several bad storms in the last 5 years (3-4 major ones). State Farm got to a point where they wont insure new houses, because of the money they lost.

It seems that in our storms dont kill very many, rather just tear apart the whole city a coupla times over.
I think we are just more aware of it with CNN and all it's competition.

Some of the storms that get covered used to get a side bar in newspapers across the country.

Now an affiliate has a camera out there showing "massive devistation" and it's on all the networks and gets 5 seconds on the local evening.