Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Pick up log in tractor forks, close grapple to hold it in place, use a moveable hydraulic saw/s to buck it from log ends inwards, without getting off the tractor.
Perhaps the forks could side-shift so could always get the last bit of log bucked.
Hydraulic saw/s could be shifted hydraulically along axle to any position.
Say, about a 12' max range for complete bucking but obviously could pick up whatever log length the FEL could handle and cut to any length.
Would a tractor have the needed hydraulic flow to run one let alone more, hydraulic saws? Looks like about 14GPM is considered a minimum flow, so perhaps tractor would not have enough flow, or only just enough for one saw?
Hurry up, somebody. Build it already.
Perhaps the forks could side-shift so could always get the last bit of log bucked.
Hydraulic saw/s could be shifted hydraulically along axle to any position.
Say, about a 12' max range for complete bucking but obviously could pick up whatever log length the FEL could handle and cut to any length.
Would a tractor have the needed hydraulic flow to run one let alone more, hydraulic saws? Looks like about 14GPM is considered a minimum flow, so perhaps tractor would not have enough flow, or only just enough for one saw?
Hurry up, somebody. Build it already.