Cody , that is an execellent photo of you in that Yellow cedar #### patch ....... And people wonder why Alaskans call it ,"the brush" ............ Thats a really great pic .. What kind of camera did you take it with .. You should be on a calander , The Stihl girls would love ya .!!.
That pic was taken by a photographer for national geographic, and was brought to my attention by forestryworks. The story that they did was b.s. and I wish that I would not have participated...should have known better. The photographer was a cool lady and took like 600 pictures that day, and even fell a tree with some help from me. This is one of the only pics I have that she took other than the one that they published in the magazine. There was a lot of junk in my strip there, and I had to gut my strip in order to get to a few nicer ones that she wanted to take a picture of me falling. Here is a pic that a friend of mine took of her taking pics of me

I was day baggin in that strip; $350 for six hours.