Good morning all,
I am new to this site, as well as a relatively new homeowner. Anyway, about 3/4 years ago I planted a swamp white oak tree in my back yard. One of the things that appealed to me about it was the interesting/rough bark on these trees. I have noticed nothing like this over the life of the tree until recently.
So I understand that the bark on these trees is not supposed to be smooth.
But over the last few weeks/months bark has been peeling off my tree, and exposing brown patches underneath. Underneath these patches are very bizarre little fungal spores/faceless mites? I don't even know how to describe it, other than the little dots in these pictures appear to be moving!
I uploaded some pictures to my Imgur site. If anyone could give me their opinion, that would be greatly appreciated. I took some bark, pictures, and leaves to a local nursery and they said it was semi-concerning - but nothing beyond that.
I can update with additional pictures.
Thanks! (link below)
I am new to this site, as well as a relatively new homeowner. Anyway, about 3/4 years ago I planted a swamp white oak tree in my back yard. One of the things that appealed to me about it was the interesting/rough bark on these trees. I have noticed nothing like this over the life of the tree until recently.
So I understand that the bark on these trees is not supposed to be smooth.
But over the last few weeks/months bark has been peeling off my tree, and exposing brown patches underneath. Underneath these patches are very bizarre little fungal spores/faceless mites? I don't even know how to describe it, other than the little dots in these pictures appear to be moving!
I uploaded some pictures to my Imgur site. If anyone could give me their opinion, that would be greatly appreciated. I took some bark, pictures, and leaves to a local nursery and they said it was semi-concerning - but nothing beyond that.
I can update with additional pictures.
Thanks! (link below)