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May 2, 2001
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Having been around several climbers besides myself, I notice that many of us have short and ugly tempers. If I am correct, my worst time ever losing it was when an Orthodox Rabbi parked right where I was working, when the truck was off dumping chips. I started yelling, and cursing that rabbi out until he finally moved his car. The past year or so though, I have learned to control my temper... no longer do I yell and scream. No more yelling profanities from the trees, or even on the ground. I am happy about this positive change in my life. Yet I still see people, who are many years older than myself blowing up about fairly minor things. It makes me feel bad for them, that they aren't able to just shrug it off. Not only is blowing up at people unprofessional, but it accomplishes NOTHING.

How are your tempers?
In my case everyday is different. There are so many things that can cause you to vent: kids, wife, bills the list goes on and on.

What really burns my a$$ are the rush rush bull$hit things at the day job ( totally unrelated to treework ).

On the other hand when a customer knows that you are coming and hasn't moved the cars or the porch furniture that can pi$$ you off!!!

A couple of weeks ago we had a customer that was more worried about the falling end of the climbing line getting in his Hostas than the beautiful slate roof he had. Really makes you wonder sometimes!
I'd say I'm pretty mellow, most of the time.

But when I do get pi$$ed off...
find another ZIP code, and fast!
I've struggled with anger all my life but do well MOST of the time now. The biggest hazard for me is fatigue. When I get very tired(not just end of the day tired -rather a long period of pushing hard) My self control rides nearer the edge-sometimes I slip.:( -Haven't cussed at the customers but I may snap at my helper or my wife.:eek:
Put to the test

Originally posted by treeman82

How are your tempers?

I had a real smart aleck answer, but then I started reading some other posts on the forum, and I realized, my temper, is put to the test more often in cyberspace, than real life.

There are posts here, on this forum, maybe not this thread, and the other forums as well, that just ignite a flare when I read them. My first reaction is to :angry: and have even typed out a few replies, then I read over them and consider the coming flame war, and just :rolleyes: and let it slide.

Who knows, maybe someone will read this, and see themselves as the target of my post, and their own temper might be tested.
Dan, off the subject and all but I was impressed by you and your wife's site. Seems like a wonderful effort.
My fuse can get short sometimes, but it mostly stays out of the public eye. About a month ago I was having a bad day of hedgework. On the way to lunch I had the chip truck nose sticking slightly out into a lane of traffic. Cars were slightly swerving around and a guy on a motorcycle rode by looking my way. I muttered something like what the F are you looking at csucker, I'll knock you off your bike and take your backpack. That got my groundie laughing, at me, not with me. A few minutes later I went into subway and ordered a sandwich. After the sandwich was made I handed my debit card to the cashier. He asked for ID cause, all my cards are signed "check ID". My Drivers license was missing(thanks kids), so they wouldn't take my debit card or any of my credit cards. So I go out the front door and my groundie Robert is talking to someone by the chip truck. Robert yells accross the parking lot "Hey it's the guy on the motorcycle and he wants to kick your azz, ha, ha, ha." So I head over to see WTF is going on. Sure enough it's the guy on the motorcycle and he has a 3 ring binder out of his backpack full of examples of his work. He's runs a vinyl lettering business and wanted to know if I wanted my chip truck lettered. So, he was looking at me funny, just not the for the reason I thought. Nothing like making a good first impression:rolleyes: He'll be putting vinyl on the truck this weekend. Later that day I drove into a carport awning turning a $1k hedge day into an embarrassment. I always seem to break stuff when I'm mad.
What part of "slower traffic keep to the right" is so darn difficult to understand?&nbsp; I put on 425 miles today coming across Ohio and I swear they teach the gals there to park in the left lane.&nbsp; I feel like getting that vinyl sign guy to letter me up some stuff for my back doors:<blockquote>Quiz for today:<blockquote>Who is the "slower" in "slower traffic keep to the right"?&nbsp; If you see a line of cars on your ass and you aren't on someone else's, it's <i>you</i>!

Check your mirrors often!</blockquote></blockquote>At any rate, I pissed off a slew of people today in retaliation for pissing me off.

I'm in counseling. I think just because I haven't killed anyone yet that the anger thing isn't that bad. Some, however, beg to differ and that really pisses me off.
Since I went back to the woods I have not felt the bad thoughts I had for dumb crewmembers, contractors, customers, the chatty vendors etc. I even smile now, a real smile not the sinister smile that would precede a attack/countereattack.
Originally posted by wiley_p
Since I went back to the woods I have not felt the bad thoughts
Wiley, when you're bored with the woods, come back. You can keep the nature mentality on the inside while you deal with the underinformed on the outside.;)
Trees near people need good care by good caregivers, and those are few and far between.
Breathe deep, feel the tree's energy mingled in your own. It's right there next to you. And if the bs gets you riled, bust some clay and plant a tree, or split some wood and start a a fire. Works for me every time.:blob6:
Dealing with temper is an art, but sometimes it feels good to snap and let the chips fall where they may.
Part of conflict resolution is to be able to deal with other people's temper constructively.
Once while logging a local woodlot, this adjacent homeowner came flying thru the bush at me like a Sasquatch and acussed me of timber trespass. He was all red in the face, and must have really phsyed himself up for sometime before attacking me.
He started screaming at me and said, " Your cutting my phukin' timber buddy!!!".
In a calm voice, I replied, " no sir, the survey pegs are right here.", "Well you better prove it buddy, or I'm phoning the cops!" So I showed him the pegs and he came down like a barometer.
Next thing , I was in his backyard, poking back a beer he offered and talking about the timber he owned, which I ended up buying.
Which proves, you can't get rid of a bad temper by losing it.

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