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Originally posted by Gypo Logger
So I showed him the pegs and he came down like a barometer.
Next thing , I was in his backyard, poking back a beer he offered and talking about the timber he owned, which I ended up buying.
Sweet. Glad to hear one logger checks the survey. I inventoried a timber trespass yesterday; the idiot wandered over 2 lines in a residential neighborhood.:blush: He will pay dearly if I do my work well. Last trespass I appraised at ~$80k and the loggers' ins. co. settled for $38k.:D

Wonder how that affected the logger's premium...:laugh:
Timber Theft

Thats funny Gypo:D I had much the same happen to me once. Was falling some pine on a small lot with well marked lines. An elderly lady came out screaming from next door, "you owe me 400 dollars" " " . She was actually foaming at the mouth. An hour later after getting her son involved and taking the time to quit screaming and look at the property line, she calmed down and asked me if I would cut down a small gum that had started growing over her septic tank. I fell the tree and she asked how much? It was worth a fortune to see the look on her face when I said "$400". I didnt charge her anything.
To me, having a temper and controling it, maybe letting it peep out occasionally is good. But to have a bad one and "loosing it" because "I broke my %^(*& boot lace" will make you lose respect from others you are around and the butt of more than a few jokes.

I very rarely "blow up" with any one. I have learned that being, calm, cool, and collective is more effective. There is nothing like telling some one off in a calm manner and just walking away, all the while they are wondering. "What did he mean, that I should be casterated so I dont pollute the gene pool?"

Hello Guy, it would seem that timber trespass is a very lucrative business. Here in Canada, the woodlot owner is responsible for establishing and enforcing the boundaries and is therefore liable for any timber trespass. Thus, often times loggers take advantage and cut over the line.
Just last week, by mistake I marked 3 trees with large flouresent dots on an adjacent owners property, which I noticed later. Well the owner is a horse person and she noticed, so in a panic she called my woodlot owner who came over to my home to resolved the problem. The 3 trees were just glorified goontrees, but had I cut them down I'm sure they would have been evaluated at 30K.
I'd like to meet this woman, cause I see her horse tracks on the skid trail in the bush, but I am certain she is spying on me. She's pissed about loggers cause her bush was pounded heavily before she bought it.
John, it's quite a sight when someone thinks you cut their tree down. Like one cop said about timber trespass." How would you know what a trees worth when it's not there?