OHH NO NOT A FRANCHISE..if it is then i won't be buying a unit/package
now if your selling the machines ,and spores etc ,plus your offering support and back-up then i will no doubt [price depending ] buy a machine/unit ..if this is not the route your going to be taking ,i'll search the states ,talk to engineers etc until i come up with a suitable machine
this product simply won't work ,if your going the franchise route , we Arborists are the best and most knowledgeable people who can use this product to it's full potential [not Joe public err who happens to think err you got a good money making idea i'll buy in],i already run a semi-successfull arb company ,i don't want to start running a franchise as well and won't ,neither will 99% of other arb company's be they contractors or consultants or both,and you can bet i won't be calling on a franchise owner either to use there terravent service,i like to keep all of my egg's in my basket