Illeagal to declaw cats??? That is where I draw the line!!! Lets protest. Maybe they thought that is what everyone was marching about - I'm sure it will have the same effect either way.
500,000 you must have been busy counting all day. Still not that much compared to the 280 million people that live in this country.
The outraged international community is countries like France who stand to lose because the get money out of the current regime since they(and the Russians) set up most of the oil infrastructure that is there.
This Bush imperialism theory doesn't wash either. Ever heard of the Monroe Doctrine?? Didn't think so.
The anti-war side has some really good points but many of the people drawn to these marches detract from them. If it is about war, keep it about war but lose the SUVs = terrorism, leagalize pot, end executions, shelter the homeless, stop logging our forests, stop aids, and free love rhetoric. The cause seems to be lost in all of that stuff and that is why it is hard for me to take any of them seriously.
Am I conservative, NO!! I think someone should take Iraq out but it is not necessarily what I want my political heroes spending my money on.
As always, when the phone stops ringing, don't bid lower, take the time to regroup and even remarket yourself. If you get cheaper to stay busy you will work yourself broke with checks coming in daily.
There is no government like No government!!