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Well, it is that time of year again to reaffirm that we should "never forget."
Right now I am sitting in the midst of a sea of over 375 US Flags that fill my living room. Each flag will be retired individually, according the US Code Title 36 Chapter 10 Sections 173-178 tomorrow during a ceremony that my son, Aaron, is organizing for his Eagle Scout Service Project.
As I sit here and type, I find myself staring at the flags and all sorts of images come to my mind. I see the moment when the USA Hockey Team Goalie wrapped himself in Old Glory after winning the Gold in 1980... When the Marines planted the flag on Mount Sirubachi in WWII and when each Apollo crew planted one on the moon.
I also see the heartbreaking moments when the flag was taken down from the US Embassies in Saigon and Tehran.
I see the Firefighters raising it on Ground Zero, I see students saluting it during the start of thier day. I see Other Students each year gather around the flag pole to pray for thier school and teachers.
I also see it draped over the caskets of our recently fallen soldiers...and as time marches on, I am now seeing it draped on more of the caskets of our aging Veterans.
What is it about this flag? It is merely a symbol, cloth, thread and dyes, yet it stirs up so much emotion, thought, pride and anger in people. And though it is only a symbol, it represents that which we are as a people...it represents that which we have, will and can do as a nation. Actions speak louder than words obviously, and yet this flag speaks loudly of our compassion, courage and willingness to stand by liberty.
Our Veterans have answered the call to "Do" that which needed to be done. They put aside thier own lives to be ready to stand in the gap for our sake and to defend liberty.
I invite you to join me on this day of remembrance, this 11th day of the 11th month. I ask you to stop at the 11th hour, to lower our eyes together, remember, and offer heartfelt thanksgiving to those who have gone on our behalf to do that which we ourselves could not, or would not otherwise do.
And if you are living free in any other country in the world, I invite you to remember all veterans. My remembrance will inclued the Aussies, The Brits, The Canadians, all those who have done thier part in modern history for the sake of Liberty.
Here is link to a music video that I have found to be inspiring and it has now become tradition as part of my 'Remembrance Day" I hope you find it inspiring too!
if the Link Does not Work you can get it on my homepage at
At the risk of forgetting a name, here are the veterans I wish to remember, and say thank you to. And if I have missed your name and you have served on my behalf, ThanX!
Todd Baker
Elwood Beck
Patrick Beck
Chris Beck
Harry Fox
Art Garafolo
John Jacob
David Jones
Abe Lewis
Chris McCaig
Gordie Moulton
Fran Schlessinger
Matt Schlessinger
David Wood
Eric Wood
Fred Wood
Jack Wood
Wayne Royce
Lance Royce
*Elsworth Royce
*Roy Newton
*Al DiNonno
Dick Dudas
Larry Brown
*Sandy Atherton
(* Deceased)
Right now I am sitting in the midst of a sea of over 375 US Flags that fill my living room. Each flag will be retired individually, according the US Code Title 36 Chapter 10 Sections 173-178 tomorrow during a ceremony that my son, Aaron, is organizing for his Eagle Scout Service Project.
As I sit here and type, I find myself staring at the flags and all sorts of images come to my mind. I see the moment when the USA Hockey Team Goalie wrapped himself in Old Glory after winning the Gold in 1980... When the Marines planted the flag on Mount Sirubachi in WWII and when each Apollo crew planted one on the moon.
I also see the heartbreaking moments when the flag was taken down from the US Embassies in Saigon and Tehran.
I see the Firefighters raising it on Ground Zero, I see students saluting it during the start of thier day. I see Other Students each year gather around the flag pole to pray for thier school and teachers.
I also see it draped over the caskets of our recently fallen soldiers...and as time marches on, I am now seeing it draped on more of the caskets of our aging Veterans.
What is it about this flag? It is merely a symbol, cloth, thread and dyes, yet it stirs up so much emotion, thought, pride and anger in people. And though it is only a symbol, it represents that which we are as a people...it represents that which we have, will and can do as a nation. Actions speak louder than words obviously, and yet this flag speaks loudly of our compassion, courage and willingness to stand by liberty.
Our Veterans have answered the call to "Do" that which needed to be done. They put aside thier own lives to be ready to stand in the gap for our sake and to defend liberty.
I invite you to join me on this day of remembrance, this 11th day of the 11th month. I ask you to stop at the 11th hour, to lower our eyes together, remember, and offer heartfelt thanksgiving to those who have gone on our behalf to do that which we ourselves could not, or would not otherwise do.
And if you are living free in any other country in the world, I invite you to remember all veterans. My remembrance will inclued the Aussies, The Brits, The Canadians, all those who have done thier part in modern history for the sake of Liberty.
Here is link to a music video that I have found to be inspiring and it has now become tradition as part of my 'Remembrance Day" I hope you find it inspiring too!
if the Link Does not Work you can get it on my homepage at
At the risk of forgetting a name, here are the veterans I wish to remember, and say thank you to. And if I have missed your name and you have served on my behalf, ThanX!
Todd Baker
Elwood Beck
Patrick Beck
Chris Beck
Harry Fox
Art Garafolo
John Jacob
David Jones
Abe Lewis
Chris McCaig
Gordie Moulton
Fran Schlessinger
Matt Schlessinger
David Wood
Eric Wood
Fred Wood
Jack Wood
Wayne Royce
Lance Royce
*Elsworth Royce
*Roy Newton
*Al DiNonno
Dick Dudas
Larry Brown
*Sandy Atherton
(* Deceased)