I'm the man in the box
Looking for the parts and service manuals for the Husqvarna 359. Thanks for your help.
Hello again Weis-Con-Sin....
Looking for the parts and service manuals for the Husqvarna 359. Thanks for your help.
Looking for a 064 parts list and manual.
I would be very appreciative, if someone could fix me up with an 044 workshop manual.
I would be very appreciative, if someone could fix me up with an 044 workshop manual.
IPL and W/M for a Husky 394.![]()
I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me out with a workshop manual & parts list for an old (1992ish) Stihl 026 chain saw. Was in good condition until someone forgot to put oil in the gas, so guess it's going to need a new Piston (& maybe Cylinder + gasket assembly)?
Any tips gratefully received.
Thanks, Peter
would be a big help. thanks!