Hi all, if anybody has the following, can you please PM me a .pdf version. My work blocks the Mediafire site that they seem to reside on. Thanks so much in advance.
028 AV SUPER - Shop Manual
015 - Shop Manual
MS361 - Shop Manual AND IPL
Stihl ms-180 & ms-210...
The first being more important right now.
Hi all, a service manual and or an IPL for the MS280 would be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Shane
any help would be appreciated
Hello People,
Got my Stihl running fine, now, would a kind soul happen to have a Husky 455 Rancher shop manual and IPL that they would share?
I am looking for an IPL for a 55 husky non epa my email is
[email protected] or you can pm me.
Thanks Bill
Do you know what year your 55 husky is, there's a lot of different IPL's for that model.
I am not really sure of the year I can tell you it is non air injection. I would have to guess about a 86-87 I think the epa models came out around 88-89. It is a 46 mm bore as well.