Tree Freak
I could use a Husky service manual that covers a 575XP.
I wan't to see what it says about carb adjustments.
My apologies Mark. I do not have that Service Manual after all. :blush:
I could use a Husky service manual that covers a 575XP.
I wan't to see what it says about carb adjustments.
hey guys im back .....againok this time i need a service manual for a 041av im tellin you these av's are killin me
thanks for your help guys!!!!
Check your PMs.
Does anybody have a manual or IPL for an 064? I have a manual for a 361 does anybody want to trade for a 361 IPL?
257 262xp
Hello... I've got two new saws and I need the SM and IPL for ms260 and ms361. Thx!
ok geez now i need an IPL for an 041av!!!!!!!:deadhorse: :chainsawguy: