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Husquvarna 335 IPL, OM, Service Manual

This is my first Husky and I know nothing about this saw. It definitely needs love. Anyone kind enough to share a. Parts List, Owners Manual, and a Service Manual?


Stihl 012 IPL and Owners Manual?

Just acquired a Stihl 012 that needs some work. I have the service manual from my 009, but need the IPL and Owner's manual if someone is kind enough to share? One other question: I assume the 009/010/011 service manual is the same for the 012, but if not, can someone shoot me a copy of that?

Will post pictures once I start the project.


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I already have the 090/070 workshop on .pdf but was wondering if anyone has one with pages 12 and 13 included? Also, is there a IPL and workshop specific to the 090AV?
Shop manual for ms 290 and 066

I am looking for ms290 and 066 shop manuals. This site is an incredible resource. I can find all the information I am looking for from people who are excited about the topic of chainsaws.