These pears not only have fireblight, but the worse problem is underground. I dug around the trunk flare, and whoever planted them a long while back, left plastic baling string around the base of them all, constricting it big time....hence the off color. Likely some girdling roots going on too. Anyway, I have the option of air spading, dealing w girdling roots and cutting all the strings hoping they'll improve. Or, removal and replace. My thoughts are(the latter option): The 1st photo there's not enough root area anyway, so replace with 2 smaller at maturity others (Washington Hawthorn?). The 2nd and 3rd photos, they are outgrowing their areas anyway,(flag pole in 2nd, flag tangles), So, besides issues of root string, possible girdles, planting a little too deep, and fireblight, there should be smaller trees planted. And, much larger dia mulch areas around transplants in 1st photo of "island"(not much of a spot anyway), w smaller replacement trees. Quite a job to dig out tho.
Any thoughts..agreements...disagreements?