I got busted in beautiful downtown Randle.

I had a load of firewood that I cut on my friend's place. It is not very pretty alder that has been in a slash pile for a year but will be good to burn next winter. I saw the Forest Service cops and I waved. However, they were unaware who I was-- I have a different pickup now. When I pulled out on the highway, the lights went on behind me so I pulled into one of the vacant gas stations. When I got out and he got out we were both laughing. It turned into retirement counseling--I was the counselor because the LEO has to retire in May.
Then the other one pulled in and the soon to retire one said he got dibs on my chainsaw--a joke. People were driving by and gawking so I started yelling, NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE, and more laughter ensued. Pretty soon somebody else went by with some firewood so off the one went, and we soon ended the retirement seminar.
He said that all the locally known bad guys seem to wave when they drive by. Next time I'll honk.