Detonated a crazy leaning alder today,
It was roughly 100' tall which is crazy for alder, straight ish up for about 30' then hung a hard left towards the neighbors fence line, then straightend out a little bit before turning back towards a pile of leave trees. In all I think it covered 40' of ground and blocked the falling of a at least one load of good timber.
So the plan was to hand a swing line in it and a second line back to the missus and pull it as far away from the fence line as possible. Problem with that is there where no branches for the first 60', and it was leaning to hard to climb, I don't own one of them throw ball sets, but I do own a bow (that I haven't shot in at least a decade...)
Anyway tie some fishing line to an arrow and take careful aim... close my eyes and release... it worked!!! first try really
... 2 hours later... and pulling 200' of 1/2 cable around everything is all set. wrapped a chain around the base for luck and fired up the saw.
Problems started as soon as I started the gun cut, didn't even get to full bar depth before she started sitting on it, managed to get some semblance of a face in her, but nothing as deep I would like to put in an alder. then I swing around to the back side, and start my usual coos bay, ******* thing started making scary noises as soon as I put the offside angle cut in, didin't even bother with the front of the coos, just dogged in and went like Hel. made it maybe 2" into the back cut and she started to pop and sneeze, ran like a little girl, Could hear the poor missus redlining even over the saw Idling...
in all a 14" stump had roughly 10" of "hold" wood, the bastard chaired a bit even with the chain wrapped and the bit between the stump and the rest of the wood just shredded, spitting the core out at me...
It was a good day...
my hands haven't shook like that since the last time I got shot at.
It was roughly 100' tall which is crazy for alder, straight ish up for about 30' then hung a hard left towards the neighbors fence line, then straightend out a little bit before turning back towards a pile of leave trees. In all I think it covered 40' of ground and blocked the falling of a at least one load of good timber.
So the plan was to hand a swing line in it and a second line back to the missus and pull it as far away from the fence line as possible. Problem with that is there where no branches for the first 60', and it was leaning to hard to climb, I don't own one of them throw ball sets, but I do own a bow (that I haven't shot in at least a decade...)
Anyway tie some fishing line to an arrow and take careful aim... close my eyes and release... it worked!!! first try really
Problems started as soon as I started the gun cut, didn't even get to full bar depth before she started sitting on it, managed to get some semblance of a face in her, but nothing as deep I would like to put in an alder. then I swing around to the back side, and start my usual coos bay, ******* thing started making scary noises as soon as I put the offside angle cut in, didin't even bother with the front of the coos, just dogged in and went like Hel. made it maybe 2" into the back cut and she started to pop and sneeze, ran like a little girl, Could hear the poor missus redlining even over the saw Idling...
in all a 14" stump had roughly 10" of "hold" wood, the bastard chaired a bit even with the chain wrapped and the bit between the stump and the rest of the wood just shredded, spitting the core out at me...
It was a good day...