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Will the firewood thieves be out in force now?

They already are. The one about buying gadgets hit right on. The one LEO here seemed to already spend a lot of time in the office trying to figure out how to work the newest toy ordered by the powers above. We had a trainee who didn't want to go to the woods at all. He got a job and had some areas closed to huckleberry picking so he wouldn't have to go "patrol" there. An LEO has to accompany the Christmas Tree all the way to D.C. I guess terrorists might could attack it, and so on.

They got a big budget when they kept hollering about timber theft on timber sales. They also were "stovepiped" at that point--no longer working for the district or forest, but for their own little organization. The people in the know said that doing that would bite back some day--budget wise. It did. Now there aren't many timber sales. And so goes the story of Too Many Pigs At The Trough, which isn't just about LEOs but about everybody who feeds off the timber sale budget.
tree falls within 50' of any kind of road around here its gone within in a week, firewood is a big seller, which is the messed up part is nobody can find wood on FS land because the thieves are all taking it, so they have to buy it from the theives, or call people like me and ask if I have any firewood for sale, which... I don't...

And the DNR firewood permits are pretty much a crap shoot since the harvesters and processors don't leave much behind in the way of tops, usually just a pile of limbs and long butts, so then the people with permits... or not... start dropping leave trees.
tree falls within 50' of any kind of road around here its gone within in a week, firewood is a big seller, which is the messed up part is nobody can find wood on FS land because the thieves are all taking it, so they have to buy it from the theives, or call people like me and ask if I have any firewood for sale, which... I don't...

And the DNR firewood permits are pretty much a crap shoot since the harvesters and processors don't leave much behind in the way of tops, usually just a pile of limbs and long butts, so then the people with permits... or not... start dropping leave trees.

It is similar here. In fact, one year it was said that a family of alleged firewood thieves rode motorcycles behind an FS gate and worked away bucking up the blowdown on the road. When the gate was unlocked, they were waiting with pickups and drove in and loaded it up. People are a bit more picky. They'll often overlook a hemlock or maple, and alder.

Today at the mill, need the freeze up to get back to loggin'
lost a head gasket on the superduty. started on it last nite. .

And that's how you tell who's really a logger. "I started on it last nite"...not "I had it towed to the shop" or "maybe I'll get to it this weekend" or "I'll take a look at it in the morning after I have my latte' and croissants"...
If you need a piece of machinery for the next day sometimes all night maintenance marathons are part of the deal. Dammit.
And that's how you tell who's really a logger. "I started on it last nite"...not "I had it towed to the shop" or "maybe I'll get to it this weekend" or "I'll take a look at it in the morning after I have my latte' and croissants"...
If you need a piece of machinery for the next day sometimes all night maintenance marathons are part of the deal. Dammit.
yup, wish i still had my underhood creeper, saves on the back and good for a short nap. almost started on it this weekend but just in case the head has a little wow too it i can still get it in to the machine shop and have it ready for mon. going down to the logging conference tomorrow so loose a day there.
Bummer Pac. Pretty rare on a 7.3, pretty normal on a 6 oh no. Lifting off them heads will put muscles in your poop!
Looking for ideas. I kept my corks in a box out in the garage along with some other boots I don't wear much. Mice got in there. Ate most of the felt liner in a pair of Sorels, along with my old felt bushler pad. They built themselves a nice abode in one of the corks. I rinsed them out with water a couple of times then filled them with water and added some bleach and let them soak for a while. The one boot still has a odor, probably mouse pee. Any ideas on getting rid of the stink? These were some of the last Buffalos made and really don't want to toss them!
Looking for ideas. I kept my corks in a box out in the garage along with some other boots I don't wear much. Mice got in there. Ate most of the felt liner in a pair of Sorels, along with my old felt bushler pad. They built themselves a nice abode in one of the corks. I rinsed them out with water a couple of times then filled them with water and added some bleach and let them soak for a while. The one boot still has a odor, probably mouse pee. Any ideas on getting rid of the stink? These were some of the last Buffalos made and really don't want to toss them!

Never ran across that particular problem. Maybe this link will help. It works good on dogs and I used it once to get tom-cat pee odor out of my pickup seats. Never leave your pickup windows down on a cold makes going to work the next morning very unpleasant.

If you need a shoulder pad i have a couple of extras around here somewhere. They're home made but they work pretty good.
Thanks Bob, I'll give that a shot. Still have a leather pad. Doubt I'll ever need it. Appreciate the offer.
And that's how you tell who's really a logger. "I started on it last nite"...not "I had it towed to the shop" or "maybe I'll get to it this weekend" or "I'll take a look at it in the morning after I have my latte' and croissants"....
Most of my saws are in pieces in cardboard boxes in the garage. I'll try to get to them this weekend. Barring that, I'll have a look in the morning after my latte and croissants
Baking soda, absorbs odors, use it like foot powder and toss a box or so in each boot, wait a few days then dump the soda out and regrease em. Or just wear them for awhile and try not to think about the fact that rats and mice have no bladder control they just pee all the time... everywhere they go, no matter what they are doing, eating, sleeping, chewing on boots, making more rodents, eating your cereal... never stop peeing.

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