The Descriptive Process

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yea Nate, it sounded like thunder when we had a little one..............little one lol, my truck was shaking side to side. made me feel strange........almost like i wanted to spew. people in cars or running equipment didn't know it happened.
Do not despair. If your weather comes from this way, it didn't get as cold last night. It is a balmy 31 this morning. The TV weather fanatics even mentioned a couple of our little communities, which is only done when disaster strikes or is about to strike. Usually, our valley is hidden behind that colored bar at the bottom of the screen where they have the info about the area shown on the map of Pugetropolis. Or Seattle of the West. In this case, it was to announce that Pugetropolis was not in much danger of the White Death--put the beer and popcorn away, but our communities were and might even get freezing rain today.

I went to a FS sponsored meeting last night. Even with the offering of free pizza, which was not paid for by the FS, only 3 people who did not belong to the collaboration group or FS attended. There was a lot of pizza left over. It was kinda like the old days. I got the fish guy a little riled up. I also got bored pretty quickly.
There wasn't an answer as to why, instead of developing huckleberry fields, we don't make small clearcut units, sell the timber instead of burning it up, and let the huckleberries do their thing along with the reforestation.

Oh well.
11 for a high today. Did I mention that my skidder has no doors or heat? Spent the whole day in the thing and still have all my toes and fingers.

Just double checked. Yup, 9 of each!
Have a high of 24 here today and wind speeds of 35-40 mph. It's 5 right now. No cab on my rock drill, just me, the wind through my bald head and a big a$$ cloud of rock dust. Oh the joys of working in the winter!
a little freezing rain this am but not bad should be all gone in a few hrs. never really got cold enough to get us good. which is good, i'll take snow or rain but i hate the ice. to every one thats getting it worse be safe and watch out for the other idiots that don't know or care.
36 degrees this morning. In Houston! A state of emergency has been declared, but fortunately it looks like back into the 70's next week
36 degrees this morning. In Houston! A state of emergency has been declared, but fortunately it looks like back into the 70's next week

I suggest you gather your family in front of the heating appliance of your choice, and read Ordeal By Hunger. The Long Winter is also good--no cannibalism but I think somebody ends up burning furniture.

Think good thoughts. I'm about to head out into the hurricane for a morning exercise walk. Must find winter hat....
Do not despair. If your weather comes from this way, it didn't get as cold last night. It is a balmy 31 this morning. The TV weather fanatics even mentioned a couple of our little communities, which is only done when disaster strikes or is about to strike. Usually, our valley is hidden behind that colored bar at the bottom of the screen where they have the info about the area shown on the map of Pugetropolis. Or Seattle of the West. In this case, it was to announce that Pugetropolis was not in much danger of the White Death--put the beer and popcorn away, but our communities were and might even get freezing rain today.

I went to a FS sponsored meeting last night. Even with the offering of free pizza, which was not paid for by the FS, only 3 people who did not belong to the collaboration group or FS attended. There was a lot of pizza left over. It was kinda like the old days. I got the fish guy a little riled up. I also got bored pretty quickly.
There wasn't an answer as to why, instead of developing huckleberry fields, we don't make small clearcut units, sell the timber instead of burning it up, and let the huckleberries do their thing along with the reforestation.

Oh well.
Making huck habitat is a great idea!
I asked what size of "openings" were allowed--meaning politically, not by law. Was answered that 40 acres was the maximum, which I knew but then after pointing out that no way would they dare to clearcut that size of acreage, plus the facilitator/NEPA person mentioned that they no longer did clearcuts, got the answer of maybe 5 to 10 acres.

On the endangered topic, a few weeks ago I saw an owl. I didn't have my glasses on, so it was blurred. But from the size--it was small and it wasn't terribly scared of me, I'd guess it may have been a spotted owl. But, it was in industrial timber land, on the edge of second growth and saplings, so it couldn't possibly have been one.
Probably just a small, tame barred owl.

One of the Pinchot Partners also brought up another coveted and sold commodity that is becoming scarce, and that is Noble fir boughs. We aren't cutting those elevations hard enough for reforestation so the trees that are good for boughs are growing out of it. And so it size fits all "management".
Uggh, I know it. We have taken to disallowing gaps greater than 1 acre due to recent research suggesting that 3/4 acre is big enough to put light on the reprod but small enough to suppress broom, while showing through LiDAR analysis that we've added some 70 acres of "Owl Habitat" in the last 5 years, even though there have been no reported owls here ever. The concept passed down from USFWS is that if the Cascade population and the Olympic population of the owl were ever to pass genetic material from one to the other, they'd have to cross our land. OK, well, that's all well and good, but what exactly are we managing for if the owls aren't here?