The great side-job question

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ArboristSite Member
Feb 26, 2004
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I sure hope this topic isn't a no-no on here...

My buddies and I have been trying to figure out a good way to take care of brush from side-jobs. We have pickups but lets face it, a pickup bed isn't nearly enough. We also have rented an open trailer but could only fit a medium sized bradford pear. What do you all do? We really need the side work for extra cash so this is important to us. Thank you in advance.
get a chipper. rent one if you have to (line up several jobs for a single day if possible). many will allow you to leave the chips right there on the site where the brush was droppped. make a box out of your trailer.blow the chips into that. chips are normally very easy to give away- you may even be able to sell them. if someone is willing to pay for the chips offer to spread them. many people will also pay (well) for that...go on getcher boyz. peace...
A chipper is a must have piece of equipment these days. The more work you do, the more brush your going to have to get rid of , it is ineffiecent and costly not to have one with the price of fuel and handling bulk loads of brush.

It is easier to get rid of chips because they have so many uses, all you can do with brush is burn it to get rid of it, unless you have a big area to dump it and not have to burn it.
For the small amount of work we are doing now (who knows about the future) what chipper do you guys like. I am thinking a very small one for starters right now and less money is saved money. Remember this will not be used every day. Thanks again for the help guys, it really is too bad people look down on us because of our profession.
I would rent one for a while until you see that it makes sense to buy.

When you are selling the job, really push those chips. Ask neighbors if they want them. Pretty near guaranteed that someone nearby will want them. I've noticed that some people want to know what kind of chips they are and they will make their decision. Tell them honestly what it is, but remember- regardless of what it is, it is the best kind there is! If it's oak "these will last a long time," if it's cottonwood, "these will break down quickly and soon be nourishing your plants," if it's honey locust, "oh, these are a pretty yellow color and they'll look great when the tulips come up! can't my drift.

Keep it up. Before you know it you'll be hiring employees and they'll come here asking us the same questions!

Call some local Companys and see if they offer chipper service. Thats what we do and I have 2 companys that charge between $65-$80 per hour. I figure 3 hours into the bid. Works great for me for now.
Sounds like you don't need equipment, you need a better paying job to start with.
let's face it, you go out and buy equipment, you're in the tree care biz, with many bills and payments. it'll kinda get in the way of the $100 saturday for extra cash.
I personally think that most of the problem of the public's percieved low opinion of the tree care industry is the overwhelming amount of untrained people working low pay jobs through the week, and doing buzzwork on weekends for beer money. As much as they are helping themselves with the small amount of extra money, they are hurting the very ones they ask for opinions and advice from here by keeping price and quality low.
Of course, this is only my personal opinion, based upon observed situations, and of course doesn't apply in the least to anyone in particular.
Ralph, I have to agree with you. We have (VT this is NOT aimed at you) a couple of people in pickups (really old beat up ones) that will grossly under cut the local pro's. Of course there SOP (standard operating procedure) is if its posible hang the tree to be removed into another tree and then block it down from the bottom. Now I have to confess to having done that on a couple of DEAD pines that were beyond climbing and were unreachable by lift or bucket but I didn't damage the tree I droped it into either. These guys have stolen equipment, no insurance (except for oops, that wasn't good.... I'm otta here!), two old 1/2 tons, walmart poly rope and a ladder. They also dump on the side of the road instead of paying dump fees or dumping on their property! :angry: :angry:
Didn't you work for those guys Ryan ;)

Many of us started out doing tree work from a small truck, or side work. I was in the USMC, had access to gaffs and a saw. I do shake my head at those who do it year in-year out though.

I'm not too concerned about those people, they are in a different market then me and my clients. They mostly work for the bottom dollar shopping crowd. i can usually out sell them, "I'm not the cheapest around, but I am one of the best."

As for the original question, i would go with finding someone who would be willing to pick up the chipping. Many small tree companies will fairly bid well stacked brush piles.

I have a few personal clients, and what i do is bring my tree company clients in to assist and chip. They end up with most of the fee, but I budget so i get more then if I had been working for them. I usuallly sue them to bill through too, so that I'm working legal with sales tax too.
A couple guys here have mentioned hiring out the chipping duties. You call me and Ill tell ya to take off. I chip to much of my own to be chipping for someone else. I also think it looks bad on your part.

However, if this is what you want to do (hire out the cleanup), look for someone w/ a grapple truck.

you didnt mention though, by side work, are you in the biz full time and stealing work from the boss, or are you something else by day and tree trimmer by nite? Just curious.
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Side jobs, buzz jobs, are awesome little money makers, but they are only an addition to ones regular income, hence the term side job. Begley and Ryan are kind of right about weekend warriors being hacks and cutting into the profit of legitimate companies. JPS is right as well, because people that want quality work tend to get qualified people. Back to the question, what to do with the brush? I assume you are doing mostly removals? This is what I do, and I do buzz jobs often. Tell the customer that you will put it on the ground and buck it into firewood (or merch logs) for them. Then you have two options, leave or get someone who has a chipper to swing by and chip it up. That is a separate deal for the guy with the chipper, a buzz job for him. You do have to have some ethics here, its not right to underbid people that are running a legitimate company with big overhead have bid on that job and the person is being cheap. You have to be up front with the customer, I say to them " I will do the best I can but if I put this tree on your house, Ill get in my truck and leave, o.k." If it is too big of a job or outside of your ability, recomend a decent tree company. Usually these jobs come along for me because somebody knows I cut down trees and gets my #, or a buddy needs help on the weeekend to do a buzzer thats too big for him. Every one has started out with, or now does the occasional buzzer, just have some tact and be carefull.
VTMECH,lots of guys start out the way i am imagining your side jobs go. they have the proper skills and equipment (as i hope you do. if you dont you might rethink this) for landing the brush safely where it needs to go while staying safe themselves. stay w/in your boundaries- for sure. remain conservative. make sure you are being paid accordingly for the service performed.make sure tou are working for people who are willing and ready to pay for quality service- and kake sure they get it. maintain professionalism as much as possible at all times. do a good job. dont let the guys w/ big trucks, chippers, and overhead distract you. dont call on other tree services to chip your brush. do it your self. that is the only way to go. i know a guy who owns a chipper and a stumper. he is also insured and bonded and that is what he does. i have called on him a couple times. hooking up w/guy like that may be beneficial if you can find one. the most imporant thing here is to keep your ducks in a row. cover your b-hind. dont leave it swingin' in the wind. you can do this...
To answer all your questions. I did tree work for a year full time, day in day out, doing everything from removals to pruning of everything from 120 ft oaks to the mighty box wood. Due to decrease in business in the office I worked it was time to split so I no longer do it full time but keep up on the weekends (keep the skills strong). Most of my side work is for friends and neighbors or helping other tree climbing friends from my last job. All my equipment is not only safe but ANSI approved along with my current climbing and purning practices, I check to make sure as things change. Well there is my little story, stay safe all and thankyou again for the ideas.
If you did tree work fulltime for over a year, why the thread????? seems to be a no brainer to me as to how to dispose of tree debris, especially if you have been in the biz for any length of time. There was not one answer given here that you yourself could not have thought of.

Ax-man: You are right in saying that. I was just hoping someone may have thought of something my buddies and I have not, you never know untill you ask. I am not trying to start a big controversy here about doing side work...cant we all just get along? hehehe
Yes I would like to start my own company one day but untill then I need to keep up with the current practices. Thanks for all your ideas and thinking.
okietreedude1 said:
A couple guys here have mentioned hiring out the chipping duties. You call me and Ill tell ya to take off. I chip to much of my own to be chipping for someone else. I also think it looks bad on your part.

If someone wants me to just do the Clean up It's Top $$$$$.
Hw many of you get the Homeowner cut dow his own tree then cut the brush into 3' pieces and put it in a God Awefull Piles... THen think there going to save money..... :dizzy