Duke Thieroff
Fill your hands, you SOB!
I hope I pissed ya off!
Didnt Carl say anything old and made out of Mag?
Now I can really piss ya off and say I need a top cover for an 066!
Made from 67-77
This saw I have is the better part of 40 years old!
5 years difference to your 790 McCulloch
*Pokes bear*
Keep it up kid and your presence will be as unwanted as a baked bean fart.
Probably $40 or so to ship. Glad to see we're helping spread the oOd Homelite Magnesium bug (AKA Scarlet Fever) around.
Yep. I'd have said a cabage fart. Those damn 041's are the most overrated saw ever. Nothing but a ####ed up teutonic imitation of an XL12 with a few more cc. They shake apart, and are WAY too complicated. Wonderboy you're on toilet cleaning and ashtray detail. Let the Shop Monkey make the parts and food runs for a spell.
That's twice......................................................................
These danged young kids don't have any concept of geography. He's been all over the US ( I have pics to prove it) and he don't understand what North America is, can't seem to find a way to read the name of the thread. Must be that little tool called "GPS" it tells you when to turn and everything.
That GPS ain't the only "little tool" in the truck.