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yep red and black Huskies with improvements. I do and have owned Stihls.

So now you don't like Home Depot, huh Thall guess you better sell your Husky tool boxes, You have one on your Chevy P/U. Yep Thanks for supporting Mexico. Let me ask did the chevy dealer give you a discount on your truck or did you pay retail ?

Manual those boxes are made in Canada, not Mexico and I bought em merely because a box is a box and it was there when I needed one. The one on the truck is made in USA and I got that one because it was there, see no need for online sells with me and I paid what the tag said, I didn't go looking for a bargin or begging, I paid my money and away I went. See I'm a good customer. I don't need 10% off in order to buy something,hehehehe

The truck is a Ram and I got $6500.00 off on that because I worked on the mans saws all the time that owned the dealership where I bought it. See it pays to deal with a dealer,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

As for Home Depot, I love Home Depot, shop there all the time. Don't but any saws or chains there though, I get a much cheaper price and better quality at some other place because I know the ole bas--tard thats runs the shop, ME,:hmm3grin2orange:
This goes for the customers too big guy.
Wont argue that, but as a consumer I dont give a shat about a saw shops moronic customers. I want a fair deal, some joker that wont argue with me on the merits of a dual port cover, a knowledgeable parts department/sales staff and parts asap when I need them. Is that too much to ask?
So far I have only ran across three dealers that meet this criteria. The good dealers could be everywhere, but MI, but I doubt it. And if the attitude of some in this thread is any indication I suspect I am bang on.
This attitude that I owe you something because you ponyed up the cheese to buy a dealership is BS and really sad IMO. Of course its no wonder with the attitiudes displayed hear that some of you guys feel very threatened by net sales.
BTW the only saws I bought off the net came from Bills saw shop when they were blowing them out. I promply re sold them for profit. All the saws I have now were bought with a hand shake and cash.
Well if this is what's going to happen, I guess I'm happy for all the dealers out there. You can set the price at what ever you want, and there's not much recorse for the consumer, take it or leave it. No competition, that's the ticket. After all competition is bad for any business, right?
Actually I feel if a person is going to make an investment and go into business, they should grow a set of huevos and be a business man. Deal with the competition, and quit whining about how you need protection from the evil catalog, and web sales. We all have to deal with this type of competition, why shouldn't you.

In short: Don't piss down my leg, and try to tell me it's raining!!:deadhorse:

What you do not understand is all dealers across the country were not required to carry the same stock on hand.....used to be you could carry just the saws here in the east but that changed years ago and the cash outlay for items you did not even wish to be involved with was substantial

A thought did occur to me regarding the timing of Husqvarna Group posting IPLs on their website and this announcement. I do wonder if there will be an increase of people coming to this site looking for help fixing fairly new saws and we will be expected to work for Husky for free.......just a pondering
Actually I feel if a person is going to make an investment and go into business, they should grow a set of huevos and be a business man. Deal with the competition, and quit whining about how you need protection from the evil catalog, and web sales. We all have to deal with this type of competition, why shouldn't you.
As a person in business I think this about sums it up. Not just any ******* has the mental fortitude and the brass balls to do it.
95% of the dealers are idiots, crooks, or both. Thats a fact of life.

I don't know about Crooks part, but idiots I have seen too many in my area.

I go into a newer Stihl dealer one sunday to order an air filter for a 361, guy behind the counter tells me to come back tomorrow as the guy who does parts will be in.


If they can't teach some chump to look it up and write down the part no. then that is their just lost a customer!!!

I have ONE good Stihl dealer and I deal only with her!!!
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Or how about the time I called a local Stihl dealer inquiring if they had 3/8, .050 chain.....I knew I was in for it when he asked me which model it was for. When I told him 260 he replied that I had the wrong chain on it and that I will damage my engine if I hadnt already.:hmm3grin2orange:
So we can have to deal with some idiot hillbilly who wants $515 for a 359?

OK, lets define what makes a dealer a crook.

Inquiring minds want to know!:deadhorse:

I'm a hillbilly myself and proud of it, that has nothing to do with honesty. I may not read and wright to well, but won't cheat a man out of a dime!
And I would say there is more of us idiot hillbilly's and rednecks out in the woods with saws than anyone else.
What you do not understand is all dealers across the country were not required to carry the same stock on hand.....used to be you could carry just the saws here in the east but that changed years ago and the cash outlay for items you did not even wish to be involved with was substantial

I understand more than you're giving me credit for. If the company gives you a contract that is all for them, screw up your huevos, amend it and send it back. If enough dealers would grow a set of huevos and do this Stihl, Husqvarna, Dolmar, and all the rest of them would have to back off their bs or quit selling in the USA (I don't think they want to do that). As it stands now dealers are mearly contract employees of their chosen brand, do what they are told, & don't talk back. Oh yeah, and beg for protection from any competition.
And yes, I practice what I'm preaching with the US, and State governments regularly.:deadhorse:

I understand and I agree

I predicted to the local rep several years ago that eventually they would run out of qualified dealer applicants fairly quickly. IT appears that they have. At the time he flat out stated that there were "Loads" of quality retailers that were jumping at the chance to carry the entire priduct line.

I have to agree with your post
The "entire line" thing would be a major point of contention with me, if I were a dealer. What dealer wants to be stuck with a bunch of POS Husky snowblowers and lawnmowers? Especially since many already sell competing lines like Honda, Ariens, etc.
I agree... Even Stihl doesn't force a dealer to carry anything they don't want it... I wonder how many electric pressure washers Stihl sells???:hmm3grin2orange:
The "entire line" thing would be a major point of contention with me, if I were a dealer. What dealer wants to be stuck with a bunch of POS Husky snowblowers and lawnmowers? Especially since many already sell competing lines like Honda, Ariens, etc.


I never quite saw the point of the one-size-fits-all concept that Husqvarna-Elux had in mind with that whole-line requirement. Discouraging specialization is hardly a way to improve the quality of service and depth of knowledge that your dealers will be able to provide.

A story: for years I shopped at a mega-OPE dealer. The sort of place with snowplows, JD compact tractors, more ZTR mowers than you know what to do with, you know the sort of place. In saws, trimmers and blowers they had Redmax, Shindaiwa, Stihl, Echo, JD, and Tanaka. And you guessed it, they don't know a damned thing about their saws except what the Stihl retail sales glossy brochure says. But they did sell all sorts of stuff, which I guess is good. Now if this is what Husqvarna had in mind as the ideal for OPE sales, then I submit that they completely misunderstood the intangible value that buying from a specialty dealer is supposed to provide to the customer.
Not to argue, but you do know that not nearly all GM trucks are built in Mexico right?

What do you drive?

Oh I now that, Just seems some people say they don't like the way husky deals with there dealers so they don't want to use there saws, but don't mind the other way companys treat there people and buy the product any way.
I own all Fords, "I like Fords but I'm not Blind."