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Maybe it was a "FALSE" crotch!:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Well anyway,
I practiced putting my throwline over a 80' crotch, then tying a running Bowline around it, and setting my rope up there, then retrieving it with the throwline attached.
Climbed up to the crotch and gave it a pat(actually took two tries cause I didn't trust the bowline, so I went back down, pulled it down to check it and re-tied it with a longer tail and stopper knot that I tied my throwline behind to be sure it didn't slip off the rope).
It didn't seem very high on the way up because of the canopy around me, but when I got to that high crotch I could see forever, Daaaaammmmnn!
Is the tree pollen (oak & pine) affecting anyone? I swear I got high off it the other day. Working and sweating, breathing hard along with it, we were removing a large group of new growth pines and the pollen in the air was thick as smoke. A while later, for about a half hour, I was dizzy and felt like I hyper-ventalated but hadn't. Can this type of thing happen or was it maybe something else? I can't think of anything else different that day.
Not sure about the pollen affecting you, maybe you're allergic.
Those pines definitely put off a lot of pollen, I've seen it come off so thick, when the wind blows, it looks like smoke.
Ya'll have trees in Nebraska?
Who knew!
We have a lot of trees on the east side but central and west Nebraska is nothing but rolling prairie
Ah, the ever elusive Prairius rollefera. Never seen it.
Jeff :msp_tongue:
and pitisporughm too,
I try not to do much cedar (mountain juniper) here in feb. when you chip it it blows a yellow cloud and the chunk and duck back blows the cloud so you get dusted If you dont chunk and role just right.It will affixiat you, cleared a lot full of 3-6 inch re-growth about 3 years ago in feb and it layed me up for a couple days,think I built up an imunity to it from the over dose. I used to be allergic to hackberry and pitisporughm too, but over the years of bieng coated in it I built up an amunity to it,
Oh Carb, some of the rock climbers on You tube posted the bowline with yosemite tie off with about 6-8" tail then tye a double fishermans as a backup but looked bulky,
Guy called looking to get some trees removed. By the time I called he gave it to somone else but explained to me that over the winter, someone had gone onto his property and his neighbors and cut a lot of large pines for what he calls " no reason". I explained to him there is always a reason and I explained to him some ideas. Later, I drove by the property and could tell where the trees were cut and obviously could see why. There was one home that had an oppourtunity to get an ocean view if the trees were cut don't know if the police are involved
That's crazy, so u think the neighbors who now have a beautiful view of the ocean are responsible? Sounds like it huh? I would be so pissed! Were the trees cut down completely or just trimmed way back? Either way that's effed up!:msp_mad: