Picking up my new MS460 today. Eek! So stoked. Get to pay it off in 1 job later this week. Gonna run it light bucking some spruce and small stuff for a couple days. Then it gets put to work on a monster tree.
Hit the back of my hand on my handsaw. Not even sure how. Finished what I was doing and climbed down. Noticed a blood spot on the back of my glove. I looked and I had a pretty good hole in the back of my hand. I could see tendon fascia, decided a bandaid probably wouldn't do the job. Long story short.... I came home and gave myself 2 stitches.
I've made it 27 years and this is my first set of stitches. Lame
Stihl waiting on my new saw.... Didn't get it yet... Grrr
Boot, what Happened to the climber job offer? Ya the western slope of Colorado is almost the same postcard like setting can't wait to finish up my Dentest barter job so I can get up there, this was a picture up the frying pan river by lake Rudi east of basalt before Hagarman pass, really great country.View attachment 233648
I had a redirect that went off to the side of another crotch my rope was through, when it was time to pull the rope down I tied a knot in the end of the rope to pull my caterpillar down, and wouldn't you know it, just as the rope came off next to the last crotch it swung across in front of the the crotch with the caterpillar in it, and about 1 - 1/2 feet or so from the caterpillar it decided to flip up and rap around a small crotch just above the one with the caterpillar in it.
The knot landed perfectly in that little crotch to where it was impossible to pull it down. I ended up throwing the weight and line back through the crotch the other way and dragging the rope over to the other side, then threw it across the crotch the knot hung in and pulled the end back through that one to get it out.
This was all after I was up in the tree pruning out suckers, and pulled my flip line back across a crotch that was out in front of me way out towards the tips of the branch, and it flew back and knocked a knot on my head above my right eye the size of my thumb.
Man, I didn't climb yesterday, because I thought it would be bad luck.
Other than that everything went pretty good.
You shouldn't sharpen a chain that don't need it.
Blasted a 40" dbh spruce in one day with only 2 of us. Had to noodle the rounds into quarters just to pick them up .
why pick them up its called a log cart and a trailer with a ramp!!!!!
now this site has the ppe police, and now grammar police, too.
Jeff, were there to many, !!!,?,(not sure if I should use a comma in that situation so I just covered all possibilities),
where is Rio Linda? is being there a good thing? (should I have used a comma in place of the first? or is a ? appropriate since they are individual questions?)