Who got banned Darby?
I was just looking for my Plott papers and can't find them, 'Ol Lady has them somewhere. They were from Wisconsin originally and direct route from Europe before that. When you say Leopard Curs, are you talking about Catahoulas? Yeh I had several Catahoula's even competition bayed my best dog in the Nations largest hog baying...Uncle Earl's in Louisianna and tied with 8 dogs for 2nd but didn't make it to the bay off. Jake died this year, what a shame...all his good pups were killed in action. He was 1/2 Catahoula 1/2 pit, was mainly a bay dog but would wait till the 2 min whistle and catch, later becoming a running catch, and finally straight catch. I put more staples and sutures in that dog than I can even count. He got his throat cut (3), gutted (2), a shoulder injury with 85 staples... Jake was the baddest dog I ever saw...loved him, I retired him at 7 years old and he died at 10.
My pack bayed a massive boar in a pond over in the National forest. I saw that 5 of my dogs were cut really bad, Jagger (strike dog) had a cut I could stick my hand in! The boar appeared to have lost his filers and his cutters had grown to a possible 4+ inches, I had Jake at my side and knew it would be certain death to turn him, needless to say that was the ONLY hog I didn't put Jake on. The boar escaped with 3 poorly placed shot to the head. I estimated that hog at #350+ and mean as a snake! All the dogs that were cut by that boar had an entrance and exit hole...that is some serious ivory right there. One young dog had 14 holes in her, she was Catahoula and Southern Blackmouth raised on my place...she was killed 2 hunt trips later. Hogs here are bad to turn around!