That thing sure is nice. I'm half-tempted to snap it up and sell my almost-new 440 to pay for it. That's something I'll have to give a moment or two of thought to.
hey that thing looks familer lol.
bad time for me Bob, been off two weeks for winter shut down........a month from, i'll get another one when time is right.
i thought you was gonna get it ported? besides ya got to have more than one saw........need a back up.
Did I get lucky with the local shop? Owner is just a little older than me and a hell of a good guy, my other favorite is a few miles away and getting more then a little old, his kids don't want anything to do with the shop anymore... From what I hear he hasn't learned to slow down any though...
They dont do the dual port cover so thats something that I still have to do to wake it up a bit more . They dont have the dual vovers like they did for the 660s.I was going to get the 461 ported, just never had enough clear time to get it done. You know how that goes.
I don't have anything solid on the books until permitting...and the PM850 will handle anything that comes up in the meantime. Eccentric sure did a fine job putting that one together.
I'll probably get the 661 from Madsen's and get it massaged a little like Cedarkerf did. Besides which, I can use the saw as an excuse for a road trip.
The guy that ran our local good saw shop died and I don't care to deal with his kids who took over the business. The little bastards offered me a good trade in on the 461 but then they kicked the price of the 661 up to compensate. I think they'd rather sell lawnmowers and leaf blowers to yuppies than deal with a bunch of knuckle draggers in suspenders and hickory shirts. They'll probably get their wish.
I bet there's sumthin online Mike. Maybe search 'log scale converter'?hey foresters, is there a chart i can convert from international 1/4 to doyle with out refiguring every stick on this sheet?
the chain is 7 feet long ,the big ring is 6 inches ,we pick up 50 gallon drums of oil with it so it would work on a tree that fat or a little fatter to choke it ,not a lot left over like a cable choker though .kinda short for over there ain't it?
kinda short for over there ain't it?