That Tillman is Old Skool!
adding my own ? here, why not just pull a bigger turn?
Jani and I went on a drive about this morning and came upon this stump. Is it a block face with a snipe with the added idea of a sloppingbackcut. Should have I posted this in "advanced falling cuts".
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so, a while back y'all were talking about uprooting while falling a stick.......y'all jinxed me lol. poplar over 36 leaning hard. i could see it had started to throw a bit but i seen that plenty. while making the face i felt the root wad under foot moving.
i guess it ratled me a little..........i decided instead of gutting the heart like i normaly do on a leaner............yea, i tried to gol it. almost chaired it. dam if you don't need a fast saw to make it out the back on a stick that size..........and of course that root wad wad was teeterin under foot lol. it will still grade about 25' with almost no taper so its a good log, but i ain't tryin that no more. its just not for me.
But, I'm not a fallerand I don't cut many trees of any size down, but I did go to a GOL session out of curiosity. And, no, we weren't told that was the only way to cut, and no, I still felt like I didn't know how fall after the class. But I don't have to.