The "Not So Pro" discussion thread...of course Pros are welcome!

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Thanks for the kind comments.

Funny how life is. The hay day of cattle ranching was over, the logging done and without irrigation we couldn't compete with our watermelons and peas so after a severe drought, Pop vowed he would find a place with water so he sold some of our Florida property and bought this then 120 acre NC farm for $25,000. With nothing productive to do in the summer, from the day school ended until it commenced again, we began to spend our summers there. One of the first things Pop did was to recover an old spring and run the overflow out the center of a tree so he could see water running 24/7. We called it the water tree. After years of limestone water, this seemed to be the best tasting water we had ever drank. With no TV, no friends nearby, no girls, and one local radio station that went off the air at 5:00, we boys thought we were suffering terribly at the time; the only bright spot being WOWO out of Ft. Wayne, Indiana which we could pick up at night. Looking back we were actually extremely privileged to spend time as a family in such a nice place. Unlike my dad, I have a well paying job and a well appointed home but little time. I often think he struck a better bargain.

Enough rambling. Maybe next time I go over I will look for the chestnut stumps. I just remember they looked huge to this Florida boy.

Yes, the dogs and I are fine. Just been glamping on the dry side of the state and pissing off the firewooders on their forum, which is not hard to do.

A reminder, this is the forestry and logging forum, which does not mean everybody is a :bowdown:faller:bowdown: or even wants to be. After all, somebody's:drinkingcoffee: got to figure out how to get those logs off the hill:angry: and into the mill or even the :bowdown:fallers:bowdown: will not get paid.

Emoticons: What would we do without them? :)
lol, yea Ms.P thats me........fall, skid, load, deal with landowners and buyers and mills and foresters :bowdown: but your right, thats why i say the days i just fall timber are like a vacation. nothing on my mind but falling for a few hours......its wonder full.

what is it with the wood crowd over there? they seem to hate loggers???????
yup.........the thing is, i done so much skidding that most dudes i can't stand to watch. dad had to get on me last year and remind me how long i done this and that the young ones are where i was at 16.

The problem with the Fire wooders and ******** in general is they believe they know everything, and have been told by their parents that they are special... Then someone who knows better comes along and deflates their ego, ruffles a few feathers, and generally calls ********.

Well if you've always been the special top dog at everything then you might take offense to some wannabee internut logger calling you stupid, geez just ask any of his ass kissing friends they are all special...
The difference between them and us is when we ask for advice we listen. I know I'll listen and take advice. I know I don't know it all in fact none of us do.
I just annoy them. Can't help it.

I'm thinking about starting up the Barbie Saw tomorrow. I haven't touched a saw for a few months. Tomorrow is supposed to be not as wet.
I like how you were real careful not to throw around the word 'dry'.

'Not as wet' is safer terminology in Warshington. ;0)
I like how you were real careful not to throw around the word 'dry'.

'Not as wet' is safer terminology in Warshington. ;0)

Even if it doesn't rain it takes a week or more to get dry. The slugs were crawling on the side of the house this morning. I wonder what that portends? Something ominous perhaps?