Big John-
Please be aware that-- Beddes Strasser brought me a dozen of these Edelrid captive eye snaps from Germany several years ago. After close scrutiny by industry professionals, we (Sherrill) elected not to market them. YOU WILL FIND that the gate easily opens (relative term) without manual activation when twisted in rings of a particular size range (1-2" i.d.)). If i'm not mistaken, the small d-rings like on many modern saddles (yes, Buckingham included) could cause such release. I am offering this information for safety concern only and don't wish to upset any competitor, although, if they are reading or informed by a reader, are welcome to call me for further information about our findings.
After 3 calls, i still have not heard back from our supplier of the aluminum snaps varifying the manufacturer. What does that tell you about my popularity among vendors? The first one pictured in this posting IS A KONG (someone later in the thread didn't catch that). Take it easy.