The remembering prectice110 thread.

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Also, it seems to me that this thread is just too damn sterile to be remembering matt.. I mean, I understand the respect and all, but I think he would have much prefered us to be busting one another's balls on a grand scale if we were supposed to be busy honoring him. I know he loved that ####!! not saying I want to see it move in that direction, but just an observation.. and well, remembering matt! :laugh:
Also, it seems to me that this thread is just too damn sterile to be remembering matt.. I mean, I understand the respect and all, but I think he would have much prefered us to be busting one another's balls on a grand scale if we were supposed to be busy honoring him. I know he loved that ####!! not saying I want to see it move in that direction, but just an observation.. and well, remembering matt! :laugh:

Ok. That hinge sucks balls:clap: Sorry it really is a nice hinge.
Merry XMas Prentice110
As long as you are in our hearts, our minds, and on our lids you will be climbing with us.
So if you guys want to give Matt a Great XMas gift think of him on your next climb and share something he loved.
Merry XMas Prentice110
As long as you are in our hearts, our minds, and on our lids you will be climbing with us.
So if you guys want to give Matt a Great XMas gift think of him on your next climb and share something he loved.

Like hanging upside down from a crane hook?
Also, it seems to me that this thread is just too damn sterile to be remembering matt.. I mean, I understand the respect and all, but I think he would have much prefered us to be busting one another's balls on a grand scale if we were supposed to be busy honoring him. I know he loved that ####!! not saying I want to see it move in that direction, but just an observation.. and well, remembering matt! :laugh:

"Shut the hell up, you suck, I could climb that in 2 seconds you old timer, you wouldn't hold a candle to my..................."

Your right, he would love that!, I'm sure he is up their criticizing how they run things, probably playing ding dong ditch on St Peter!
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Hey Matt-Prentice 110
Sorry we never got to climb together in person, I am looking forward to climbing with you in 2012 even if you are just watching over me and all the others you have touched.
God Bless and Happy New Year Tree Brother
I got to meet Matt very briefly back in the fall of 2010. I have an old skyworker bucket truck for sale and he came up to Madison to check it out. We hung out for a few hours kickin the tires of the truck and talkin shop. I was pretty impressed with his knowledge of both the skyworker trucks and the industry. We are both third generation tree guys so the tests of knowledge back and forth were fun. He knew everything about skyworkers from the beginning and said he and his dad only operated those. I thought it was neat how he talked about hanging out and going on traveling tree work adventures with all the different people on arborist site. It was a lifestyle a bit beyond my settled years but it was nice to hear his stories and experiences. He thought the world of the people on here and considered those on here as good friends and family.

Matt and I played phone tag back and forth in the spring and summer of 2011. He still wanted to buy the bucket truck but we both left it at, let's get it inspected first. I'm sad to have just found out he passed. He will be missed by many. R.I.P.
doing fine MDS, but as usual at the mercy of the whims of this personality I was stuck with (if ya know what I mean lol)

hope all is going well with you and fam

Lol! Yeah, I have a sneaking suspicion that the personality thing ain't gonna be changing any time soon on my behalf either! :laugh:

welcome back, man.

thought about you the other day as we are going through the process of getting a tree committee re-fired here. I was invited by the mayor to attend and give some input with a EAB presentation that a State biologist acquaintance of mine was giving. It gave us a reason to rekindle a dedicated committee. If it develops, I may be in touch to bug you about it from time to time. Grinder's still grinding!
I wish you were around for this massive job that I might be part of for some really old Chi-town money on Lake Geneva. It is logging out a few 100acres of old growth hard wood. I am just cutting no hauling or clean up, all machine with tub grinder on site, oh what a job! I just want to be part of it just so I can say I was there and maybe get to drop a few biggins, but time will tell.
I've been thinking about Matt lately myself. Shopping for a new chipper (maybe) and am considering a 1590. If you look at my profile page you can see where matt was talking about those machines. He was responding to a post I made in some thread. It looks like I never answered him, but I did, just in a pm (never liked the visitor messaging deal).

I really liked talking equipment with matt, he knew his #### and had a ton of experience (especially for his age). Miss you a ton matt!!
I was cleaning out my PM box the other day and started reading the ones from Matt. LOL what a trip he was. I tell ya what, I bet that he meant it when he said "I would do this chit for free" (if push came to shove)
I wish you were around for this massive job that I might be part of for some really old Chi-town money on Lake Geneva. It is logging out a few 100acres of old growth hard wood. I am just cutting no hauling or clean up, all machine with tub grinder on site, oh what a job! I just want to be part of it just so I can say I was there and maybe get to drop a few biggins, but time will tell.

Sounds like fun, can I come and play?