Such short chokers now a days with these mini yarders. We used to use nothing shorter then about 30 feet and up to 50. It took a manly man to pull back 3 wrapped up 1 1/8 chokers on a no lift high lead show.
Of course my Dad would say Wimps!!!!! We flew 1 3/8 by 40s at Clemons, Greenwood and Schafer Bros.
Yes sir! makes me excited, il fall the timber & render thoes slinkey 50' bastards.. That was the good old days though, when mans where mans. Now mans act like a bunch of womans. This website can absolutely prove it.. i usually wear the white tube sock like fallers glove, & in my experiences a damn cotton glove dosent do much to avoid jaggers. i have felt and ####ing herd the metal scrape against my finger bones. That chit realy makes me cuss,(why the #### am I up here un-belling chokers when i should be falling timber??) then boss man chimes in with a< "ypu wanna get payed for today son???"
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