haha, that would be something indeed but as luck would have it she has yet to return with anything, haven't seen her. I know I gave her no reason what so ever not to come back for we were laffing and carring on the whole time. I think maybe she had a change of heart after she got home about buying a saw and if so good for her I say. Then again she may show up yet, who knows.
I read all the posts and understood everyone's point of view. Some agreed with me and some did not and thats cool. I never said I could stop her from buying what she wanted, only that I could try to steer her away from it. If she is determind then by law I think I have no choice but to give her what she wants and thats fine. I have no problem at all with selling her a saw but I'm going to look out for her first and if I fail to convince her, then the saw, not the other way around. I come from the old school where the parents looked out for the kids and as the parents got up in years the kids looked out for them. This issue sorta reminds me of the parents that bought their 16year old a new Mustang or Corvette as their first car. A few weeks or months later they buried their kid and regretted the rest of their life. Happens way to often and coming from old school I'll stick to my guns and continue to look out for what is most important, the person, verses a sale. Some said what if it was a man, instead of a woman, to that I say makes no differance at all. Some said I'm judging people due to their age and I don't think so at all. I call it looking out for them because of their age, not judging them at all. Some say age shouldn't be a factor no matter what and to those I say reflexes slow down with age admit it or not. Saws take no prisoners, saws don't care if your reflexes are slow and it flies back in your face and your unable to over power it or too slow to react. Thats where I come in and try to prevent that from ever happening to anyone who is more prone to that because of their age. Sometime you have to do what is right verses what everyone thinks and thats what I'm gonna continue to do. She may well get her saw, I won't and can't stop her. I see no harm at all or any judging to politely try to steer her away from it. She may well tell me to clamp it sonny and say give me that saw. I'll laff and say ok, you win, lets go fire it up babycake. Thats the way I talk to all my women folk customers and they eat it up and guess what I don't care how old they are. In fact my older ladies love the flirting more than those sassy young ones,hahahaha