The "Super Load"!!

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Man, that's a big trailer!! 4.5 is a winter worth for me, fill it up, park it near the door in the winter! hahaha, that would be a hoot.

Might as well put a tarp up over it too Zog so you don't have to endure the elements. :D

I like your way of thinking
Man, that's a big trailer!! 4.5 is a winter worth for me, fill it up, park it near the door in the winter! hahaha, that would be a hoot.
Yeah it was one heck of a job to split an fill it. Brought my brother over and my father to help out. With the wife BBQ in it was a good time though
So this is by far the biggest one time sale i have made to date. 6 ton trailer 14' long almost 7' wide. I love this trailer.

Very nice. A dump trailer is likely my next purchase. Can't afford the heavy equipment. Used ones are extremely hard to come by---like never. Been looking for 6 months and have not seen one used one for sale on CL. Guess I will have to pony up for a new one.
Might as well put a tarp up over it too Zog so you don't have to endure the elements. :D

I like your way of thinking

It was like that even better at the dairy farm I worked at. All his split and dry wood was inside a room connected to the house. He had six buildings starting with his house all connected. He could walk from his bedroom all the way to the freestall barn all inside. Made it easy peasey in the winter. House (then starting at the kitchen) sunroom/mudroom, woodshed, shop, bulk tank room, milking parlor, bunker feeding area/freestall. The big haybarn and tractor parking was separate.
Very nice. A dump trailer is likely my next purchase. Can't afford the heavy equipment. Used ones are extremely hard to come by---like never. Been looking for 6 months and have not seen one used one for sale on CL. Guess I will have to pony up for a new one.
ask if they have anything used first. I got mine from a landscaping buisness that went under. A big trailer is pry the most useful tool i have ever owned well second to my truck lol