Mouth breather
Man, by the looks of the wheel well, they use the same salt in WI as they do in NY

Nice stove...stay warm!
AND have an air compressor inside just for that purpose?
Man, by the looks of the wheel well, they use the same salt in WI as they do in NY
Nice stove...stay warm!
A neighbor gave me a new recipe for deer burgers. When you grind the meat, grind in a pack of the cheapest bacon you can find. Tried some and boy was it GOOD. One of the best burgers I ever had.
It's IN! Me and a buddy that also works nights got-er-dun last night. He's 6-7 330, I'm 5-11 225, and bringing it don the stairs was enough work for both of us!
Here's the new stove mostly in place minus the brick and door, Chuck looking lonely in the background:
First fire. It took a good half hour to get that thing up to temp where the secondaries kicked in, lotsa cold steel to warm up:
A couple IR temp gun shots, about an hour in at WOT (It got a little cool in here with the back door open for half an hour unloading the SOB). New stove smell is almost gone already.
I sure don't see the coal buildup problem that Spidey and some others mention with the EPA stoves. This is what was left after a 6 hour burn on about a 2/3 full box of wood. I reserve the right to eat my words later if it's a problem, but based on one loading, I think this stove does it's job well:
I'll get a full review up after a week or so of running, but so far I'm more than happy.
I nave to ask, what is the ratio between the venison and bacon or how many pounds of venison to a pound of bacon?
Nice!But you gotta sit in the basement to see the fire :msp_confused:
Heck, I've got beer, AS, my saw workshop, satellite radio and TV, what else do I need?
This will be the test. My "ready rack" holds about .11 cord of 16", a full rack of 22" for the old stove, .15. The old Woodchuck would eat through that in 2 1/2 days, if I get the same out of the shorter wood, I'll be saving 35% or so on wood. I put the first load off the full rack in at 6:30 this morning, I'll let ya know when it's gone.
Looks good Steve, although your thoroughbred frizbee hound looks a bit skeptical lol. Hows the heat output and wood consumption thus far?