The we need to help Stump rebuild a shop, replace tools, replace saws thread.

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stump, after you're done grieving (TOTALLY understandable) you have the opportunity to get your shop set up the way you want it done. i know that after i've built and possessed something i always think of ways i'd have done it different. write em down. i can do a computer drawing if you send me dimensions.
as far as your pride taking a beating. there is NO shame in letting others bless you. if you don't let people bless you than you're just stopping blessings from coming to them. i know i could use some blessing.
kudos to you stephen for taking the lead on this. course, how could we expect otherwise based on prior experience? just sayin.
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Cash is something I'm short on at the moment. It's just that time of year. :(

I won't be short forever though. :D
For those that don't like Paypal or don't have it PM me for mailing directions I don't want to post mine or his out in the open.
Yes this was my shop I worked out of. Self employed. I know everything can be replaced It was just stuff, But it was stuff I've been collecting all my life. That shop & everything in it was me. Don't git me wrong my wife & kids come first & thank God that I have them.

I'm goin to the fire house today to have a report done up so I can talk to the ins people. The bank has also said they would help out in any way they could.

To be honest with everybody here I was behind on my mortgage. It's just been rough. I'm not proud of that especially since ya'll are donating money to make up for my problems.

I will make the most of what I can with the donations, and do what I can to someday return the favor.
That shop was a mere reflection of you, your still standing.
Keep your family close.
It may not seem like it now, you have a lot to be thankful for.

Been there, lost everything twice to floods.
I don't know Stumpy's situation 100%, but I gather he made his income out of that shop. That's what I do, I'm self-employed and work from my shop. Even though I'm insured, that takes weeks to get any compensation in a case like Stumpy's. I can't imagine if my shop burnt down, it would be devastating. All the saws in the world ain't worth nothing if you can't make your mortgage or feed your family. Money on the way. :cheers:

Same here, I work full time out of my shop. No insurance, a fire would shut me down completely. I am debit free, so I could bonce back, but it'd be bad.
Here's an idea. Please... anyone jump in and correct me, sometimes I open my mouth without thinking. :msp_wink:

If you can send saws, tools, gifts etc...... great. If you have a saw (or anything else) you would like to donate, and are set up with ebay, why not put the saw or other item on ebay and give the profits to Stumpy. You can post the ebay link with the specific item, it would be fun to watch and maybe AS members would bid on it. :msp_wink:

Those that are not set up with ebay, the gifts would be greatly appreciated.
Stephen thanks for starting and running this. You are a good man!

I live 1 hour from Stump and will get down to his place soon for a visit.
Jerry, Your words have really stuck a cord in my heart.

When I opened this shop to the public 3 1/2 years ago I had no idea what I wanted to focus on. I've been a jack of all trades. I asked God to send me what he wanted & I would do it. The atv's came in first. That has been a dream of mine since I was a boy to work on atv's for a living. Then last year he blessed me with chainsaws.
I admit that I haven't held up my end. I knew He wanted me to use my shop as some sort of ministry. I failed bigtime.

I'm not blaming God in any way for what has happend. He doesn't work that way. I also will NOT give the devil credit for this either. This was my fault. I'm not 100% sure that the stove started it, but however, this fire could have been prevented somehow, someway. This was the first fire I had in it of the season. I should have stayed out there longer to make sure everything was good. This is I guess one reason why I feel unworthy of the blessings that you all are giving me.

To some of you I may look like a hypocrite and I guess I am. I'm a dirty minded, filthy mouthed sinner. But I still now that god sent his only son Jesus Christ to save us weather we're worthy or not.
God has givin me this site & the brotherhood within it, and for some reason has seen fit that I should be the one receiveing these blessings. I will do my best to accept them gracefully.

I will shut up now. Just had to git some things off of my chest.
Not one of us is perfect. It's the tough times and hard lessons that mold us into the men we are.

I really like Ed's idea of the ebay thing. That was my plan, but I never thought to spell it out here. I'm not a guy that has much cash....I put everything I get back into tools and parts right now. I do have a surplus of certain things and I'll do my best to help out however I can.
Stumpy, you're a BIG man for confessing you're faults and failures. That's an extremely hard thing to do! But, it it's scriptural and it is beneficial. You WILL grow from this! Remember, ALL things work together for good to those that serve Him. Do you're part, then stand back and let God work out His will in your life. Part of that is going to be humbling yourself and letting others help you out. That's scriptural too. It's ok to need help.
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Been through fires myself twice!Not near as bad as this! Like a lot of you guys I am not working due to a very bad back so money is super tight! But I got saws I can donate!! Not the biggest or the best but they should bring something.I have no idea how to do the ebay thing?Could I send them to someone that knows how? The closer to me the better LOL Less shipping. Anyone that could help please send me a PM! I want all the money to go to Stumpy! Anyone on here that would care to buy them and just give the money to Stumpy would be easy too!You get a saw and Stumpy gets a little money.I will get a list made and put up some how.May be a better way to do this?Just spit it out guys!

I really like Ed's idea of the ebay thing. That was my plan, but I never thought to spell it out here. I'm not a guy that has much cash....I put everything I get back into tools and parts right now. I do have a surplus of certain things and I'll do my best to help out however I can.
That is my plan also I will post it on ebay tonight from work where the computer's are alot faster I will post the link in this thread when I get it done
Just like Stumpy, Arrowhead and Sunfish, I'm self employed as well, and if I lost my shop, would be crushed, in every way!!

I can spare a few $$, so Stumpy is getting some of that today.....If some kind of a raffle comes together, I'll be in with something to raffle as well as buying tickets.

Man, I feel sick for Stump!!:msp_sad:.....We're all here for you, Stumpy!!
I've got a 48", IIRC, Granberg Alaskan sawmill that's only been used to make about 3 or 4 cuts. I'm willing to sell it and donate the proceeds to Stumpy. I'm at work so can't take pics right now. If interested, please PM me with offers. Here's a link, LINK.

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