Is the port-a-potty still at Terry's place? Maybe it could be used for a temporary shop!:hmm3grin2orange:
Stumpy would use it once and it would melt ! :hmm3grin2orange: I heard stories about him ! :fart:
Is the port-a-potty still at Terry's place? Maybe it could be used for a temporary shop!:hmm3grin2orange:
thats good with me , let me know the details so i can get it all boxed up. what's the best and cheapest shipping. are pic's in order and follow it's progress. thank's. fraser.
There is no way I'm reading all these pages........:frown:
i know that we'll all get stumpy well taken careas for temporary income and getting the shop going again but id like to see the christmas list that the kids have. his kids will be as affected by this as he will and while were out buying up the world for our own kids one extra present to be sent to stumpys kids for under the tree i think would be heart felt. some people are funny about sending money to folks but will in a heartbeat buy an extra present for a child. forgive me if my thinking is out of line stumpy but im always thinking outside the box so to speak lol
There is no way I'm reading all these pages........:frown:
Hank- Saw your post over on the firewood, heating, and wood burning site where I usally live. Read most of what has been posted here and though I can't donate tools or saws, cash I can do. I have never heard of Stumpy until now but I can see he is held in high reguard here on AS. I plan to send him a saw or 2 when he gets back on his feet.
I know how you're feeling stump, this was a picture I took standing inside my shop 3 yrs ago. I could'nt even clean the mess for weeks because my hands were bandaged up from a grease fire in the kitchen one week prior to the shop fire. Sorry for your loss.
Rep sent!!!.....That's seriously generous!!!!
Need to get the team together and make that saw run and have somebody Ebay it....That will bring maximum $$.....I have a few 090 parts I'll send to the cause!
That shop was a mere reflection of you, your still standing.
Keep your family close.
It may not seem like it now, you have a lot to be thankful for.
Been there, lost everything twice to floods.