It's a runner. Just needs an outer bar plate, chainbrake band, CB lever, CB lever spring, CB pivot screw and bushing, and a kill switch..........well and a good cleaning. Has 268 decals as somebody replaced the top cover and starter cover at some point. SN tag sez 272XP, and the bore measures out to 52mm.
If I'm decoding things correctly, it was made in the 2nd week of January, 1996. I have a 28" B/C that I'll run on it for now. May put on a 24" bar at some point. Spike is on upside-down at the moment too...
Aaron i'll need to find a bottom bracket to put a fullwrap on yours but i do have a handle.
272 husqvarna - YouTube like this wrap?.weee haaaa
I agree Frasier did look real new. Nice saw Aaron looks sharpAaron you copy Frasier has a handle for you?
Tinkered in the shop for a couple hours this evening. Cleaned a buncha crap out of the 272XP (and I still need to clean under the starter cover). Trimmed the melted part of the top cover away, got the fuel line grommet tucked back in, mounted the 28" b/c that I had, and ran it a tad. Strong runner. Will be in the working stable once I replace the kill switch, outer bar plate, and CB bits. Will probably scare up a 24" b/c for it too. Here it sits next to my Homelite 2100-S project and my sweet running SXL-925W (under cover). Ignore the mess.....
You're the man Fraser. Thanks a bunch.
That's one strong running 272XP. Somehow.......I don't think it's stock. Can see the back of the top cover cut out and a K&N peeking out from under it. Noticed the custom dawgs too.
Merry Christmas everybody!! Arron looks like a nice saw, will look a lot better with a wrap. Frasier, you must have one helluva collection. Seems like you have a little of everything, always like seeing the stuff you find. Norm, I found a petition online to stop SB1221 and signed it for you. Hope everybody has a pleasant holiday!
Merry Christmas everybody!! Arron looks like a nice saw, will look a lot better with a wrap. Frasier, you must have one helluva collection. Seems like you have a little of everything, always like seeing the stuff you find. Norm, I found a petition online to stop SB1221 and signed it for you. Hope everybody has a pleasant holiday!
.....what mess???.....![]()
Thanks Brian. Fraser does indeed have quite the stockpile of useful and cool saw stuff. Discovered that the bracket/spacer thing that's needed to use Fraser's full wrap on my saw is still available and only something like $15-$16 or so.
Thanks Randy! Got some crap from some other guys about my messy shop. That's the 'saw parts storage' corner.:msp_rolleyes:
Figured it was a good time to show my 281xp full wrap. Just gave it a new HD filter/cover as a gift from me to it.:jester:
Hope all you guys have a great Christmas!
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This working man finished work on 2 Christmas Tundra's... one for the boss' sister, a gift for their kids, and another was a repair for an older fellah who wants to pull the grandkids around on the sleigh over the holidays. The old guy was quite happy that we stayed late to finish it up for him, and the bossman too.
We were kids too, so we remember the fun we had at Christmas & enjoying snowmachines and rides over the holidays. His grandkids will enjoy their holidays, and I will too, knowing that 30 minutes of my time was such a little thing to donate so others can be happy.
Here's to a safe and enjoyable Christmas break to all of my AS friends, enjoy the holidays and keep yourselves safe !
Aaron no on the 24 in bars, I will ask around my friend. Haywire sweet ass 281 my friend, love it!Brian great to see you and thanks for signing my friend. Randy Denis great too see ya, and nice what you did Denis to help them. Cary that saw is a beast, frasier and all the working man gang, merry christmas to such great friends.