The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Since Sunday, I have been trying to unclog a drain at home. No can do tried it all, and three different snake'd. Plumber be here in the am. I am not to proud to say Im beaten! One of them day's just flooded the f##### Kitchen son of a ##### Well Im good with saw's anyway but the plimbing just kicke'd the working man's ass!
Since Sunday, I have been trying to unclog a drain at home. No can do tried it all, and three different snake'd. Plumber be here in the am. I am not to proud to say Im beaten! One of them day's just flooded the f##### Kitchen son of a ##### Well Im good with saw's anyway but the plimbing just kicke'd the working man's ass!

Use your garden hose, wrap a rag really tight around the hose then stuff it in the drain, then jam more of the rag in there and hold on tight with two hands and have someone turn on the hose, and be ready to yell at them to shut it off if the clog doesn't come free because it will blow off in your face if you don't shut it off, you'll know when it builds pressure and you'll hear it let go if it does, try that a few times if YOU DARE!! It worked for me last time.

Ozzy Redgum firewood 880 and 50'' bar.


Oh this just made me laugh so hard i pooped my pants!!!
Classic! Haha
Yes it is Bob. Found out it is the roof vent, plugge'd with acorn's I'll take chainsaw's, and tree work anyday over plumbing!
and it burns just fine. my choice for burning. eventhough it is in the pine family it's not pine by any stretch. and i don't have any chimney prob's.
Let me see if I can spell.

The scientific name for Douglas-fir is Pseudotsuga menziesii. We were told that the definition was "false hemlock" way back in our dendrology class.

It is excellent firewood.
I love burning fir, and mixing it with my hardwood. Sometime's I will burn straight fir to, and before bed, a little hardwood for extra coal's. Paremter burne'd straight fir for two winter's off one of our tree job's. Great stuff.
Its not Pine your effin Moron! It's Douglas Fir.

I am so very sorry to have upset you mr effin ****! See out here on the east coast the only Douglas fir we see is around Christmas time, diddnt happen to look at your location and unfortunately made the assumption it was pine, very sorry for that. I see a lot of people burn pine and the pitch severely damages their chimney. Out door wood boilers sure burn whatever you wanna throw in them. Very interesting to know that fir is a good firewood being in the coniferous family I was led to believe that it would be filled with just as much pine pitch as any other but we all learn something everyday. I don't quite understand why you felt the need to be a jerk about it but hey that's ok you must be trying to over compensate for something thus leading you to be a jerk on the Internet...but then again it could just be where you are from... Again to the effin **** I am truly sorry for getting your panties all wadded up!

Effin moron
Heres a couple pics of my dad back in the late '80s early '90s. Around the Tupper Lake area of Northern NY.



Ya, thats a 298 before everyone goes bizerk!

Then heres one of me (also my Profile/Avatar) but the fullsize. It is a sickness! Especially growing up with it!


My big bad 36 Husky!!
I am so very sorry to have upset you mr effin ****! See out here on the east coast the only Douglas fir we see is around Christmas time, diddnt happen to look at your location and unfortunately made the assumption it was pine, very sorry for that. I see a lot of people burn pine and the pitch severely damages their chimney. Out door wood boilers sure burn whatever you wanna throw in them. Very interesting to know that fir is a good firewood being in the coniferous family I was led to believe that it would be filled with just as much pine pitch as any other but we all learn something everyday. I don't quite understand why you felt the need to be a jerk about it but hey that's ok you must be trying to over compensate for something thus leading you to be a jerk on the Internet...but then again it could just be where you are from... Again to the effin **** I am truly sorry for getting your panties all wadded up!

Effin moron

I'm a jerk because I can. I've been called worse by better. So thank you!