The weather held yesterday so I was able to go and cut.
The home owner(yes, another co worker)has two trees he wanted taken down. I was only able to get the
tree behind the house. It was a bit of a challenge, made me nervous. It was a "good size" Red Oak, almost
2' DBH, about 80' tall. Oh, and it had a definite lean toward the house with most of the crown weight on the
"house side". :bringit: Took some extra time removing some weight(limbs)from the house side. Also took
extra care when I rigged the pull rope. Didn't get too many pics, but got some video. I'll post the video when
I get it edited and uploaded. I'm going back over tomorrow after work to take down a tree in his front yard.
I'll be using a speed line for most of that one.
Here's a few pics from yesterday.....