well as busy as always with us here in ireland,

still logging massive trees,this is one we got a limb off this morning,no need for climbing,and thank god i decided not to climb this one cause the bottom was a little rotton,just put a 4inch cut in to the tree and it cracked away as you can see....the rest of the tree and all this limb the rest of the way up was in fine hard condition,it seems there is some rot at the base setting in.
the other limb looks good,i may have to climb it even though to cut it as it's very tall,maybe up to over 70foot....
i was going to update my own thread but unsure what happened some of it,was this site out of action recently or something? some of my threads got messed up,i hadn't been on here in ages,when i came back to update some of my own threads i couldn't and some of the threads were missing?
sorry if this post is a little offtopic here,just wondering that's all...
anyway here is this huge ash tree we are at right now,you can probably barely make me out standing under it.
all though i must admit the thumb nail option is a blessing,now it only takes a short time to shift through threads here.
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