The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Be back at it this saturday, rain or shine. Couple oaks need to come down. PICTURES, mandatory! I will make somebody else do the photo shoot, so you guys can see my skills LOL!
I am hurtin a little. Been balls to the walls on the cutting side. Running the forestry prison crews, for cutting hit the hardest area I have seen in ten years with the county. Overgrown yeah understatement. Most of it had to be cut off a steep bank anywhere from a couple feet off to 20 plus. And packed up to the chipper. The prisoners kinda make a chain to get it up there captain wont get dirty, but I will. Those guy's if you dont get a gap between ya, will be hitting you with limbs you cut, while trying to pull em for you. Its a malay, and they make it a pain in the ass or a hazard. I was dropping about a 30 foot lime 6-8 inches through overhead gonna let it hang, get outa the way and let it break free. When a whistle D@@@ pulls a limb out from underneath me I was standing on! Anyway I stayed ahead of em took two weeks of hard cutting, falling trees, dismantling, manlift, even roped pulled a few. Winched some too. I buried em! Little buddy is tired today!
Santa came a little late for me, but he finely made it. Found a box at the door this morning when I got home.

...Plowing out the Church wood shed today...about 2 cord of 4 footers in the foreground under cover. :D



...and here it is all cut to stove length and under cover, now the easy part...split and stack...:popcorn::popcorn:



...maybe next Saturday...:msp_thumbsup:
Randy good stuff, for a good cause! I did not make it to cut today, was going to help my buddy take down oaks for his grandma, but they went to a sportsman's expo. Joe howdy stranger! How the heck are ya?
Went over to my parents today and gave the new rope a try. I like having the tight eye at the end of the rope. I have read just over half of "Fundamentals of General Tree Work" and watched the first dvd of The Working Climber so far. And so far I have learned that I am still afraid of heights LOL. But the more I read and see, I feel a little more at confident in what I am doing. Went up about 10 ft. or so, and sat there for a bit until I was comfortable, and then moved up a little more and did the same thing. Got up to where a could of branches I wanted to trim and sat there for awhile, and then repelled down. Got my saw and went back up and trimmed what I wanted to, and then back down. Made it up to about 20-25 ft. Tried to get my dad to take a pic but ended up with a video, so its a 10 second picture LOL.

good stuff dude! That's what it's all about! There are two kinds of people those who can conquer certain fears, and those who can't. So far you are doing better with heights than me:msp_thumbup:
LOL thanks!!! There are days that I wonder I am just wasting money I dont have trying to learn how to climb LOL. My part time job I have to get up on roofs and some of these houses with tile, steep pitches, and high ceilings scare that crap out of me. But today wasnt bad, felt reasonably safe LOL. Still not comfortable reaching away with both hands though. If the climb line is in between me and the work its ok, but if not I feel the need to hold on to the line.
Hey just keep doing what you are my friend! You have already moved your self up a notch. Worst case if you don't become a full blown climber, then you will have gear that is always useful. Find some in your area to partner with, maybe side jobs like we do. In our group we all have our own talents and comfort levels. John is the best climber, he will go the highest we have had him near 200 plus feet.
Good work Brian. You look good up there. I guess its easy to take things for granted like a fear of heights, which I don't have, when I was a kid I would free climb trees to and excess of 80', would I do that now?? Maybe? But I would have to think hard about doing it with no safety gear. Like a fear for me, is big spiders freak me out!!!! Don't know why they just creep me out man. Good thing we don't get big spiders around here.
Yep good points Will! Don't know if you remember a month or so ago, my plumbing trouble? Anyway tight place under the house working on the pipes, spiders, and black widows all over. I wore a hooded sweatshirt, tucked in all my clothes etc. Made my skin crawl spiders give me the creeps too! Made me jump more than once. Last Saturday when I took those wood cutting pics, I was arm loading wood to the truck, and felt something on my neck. At the same moment my buddy looked at me, and I could tell it wasn't good he jumped over quick, as soon as I felt it he brushed of a giant nasty ass spider. I dropped all the wood, about S### myself, and stripped off my sweatshirt. LOL!
Yep good points Will! Don't know if you remember a month or so ago, my plumbing trouble? Anyway tight place under the house working on the pipes, spiders, and black widows all over. I wore a hooded sweatshirt, tucked in all my clothes etc. Made my skin crawl spiders give me the creeps too! Made me jump more than once. Last Saturday when I took those wood cutting pics, I was arm loading wood to the truck, and felt something on my neck. At the same moment my buddy looked at me, and I could tell it wasn't good he jumped over quick, as soon as I felt it he brushed of a giant nasty ass spider. I dropped all the wood, about S### myself, and stripped off my sweatshirt. LOL!

I remember that Norm. I'm there with ya man. Did you see the pic MCW posted a while back of the spider that was on him??? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ***, it scared me just to see the pic.