The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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loaded up for tommorow. Be Parmeter, Jesus, Sean, and me. Full day me thinks. Hope I hope got enough saw.

I spy a 'new' saw.:D



Fraser you've seen the saw second from the far right. Was recently in the custody of The Emperor.
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I spy a 'new' saw.



Hey Norm,
looks like you've got what you need to do "a bit" of cutting. :chainsawguy: I'm trying to figure out who the shadowy figure is in the reflection of the rear window???
I'll second the bar covers, I know for me it's cheap insurance for damage to the inside of the vehicle, people, and yes the chains I just spent time getting razor sharp. :msp_w00t: Not trying to beat you up on it Norm, ;) for me it's a safety thing. :msp_thumbup: I've got at least one tree to take down today, hopefully will be shaking hands on starting another take down job today.
Time to start the coffee and head off to "work". :hmm3grin2orange:

Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
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What's up gang, Neil and Randy I agree bar covers, all the way. Always been big on it, and no dull chains, even one tooth makes a difference as u know. I am short on em, and rest them on that borad in the back, so no bed contact. Wiil get some as I do need em, I usually pull my trailer, and they rest in slots cut in a 4x6. It is my favorirte way to haul em. Aaron nice Pic!. Man had to call for reinforcements, to get that job done, ten pines total, just a mess of brush, and Parmeter and I cut enough to burn 1.5 galons each for sawing today. That is how much we cut. Had 3 pull trees, and fell the rest, wedged em all drove one. Had to call a pal of mine down the street to help finish> I am already hurting. It was the 2101, 372, 660 today. Mostly 2101, I nicked something with the 66 was swapping between the two, and no time to file. Was a rough day though, look at my boots they are worked hard! I had a close call we were falling one. I was off to the side, John dropped it, and I was looking up the whole time. A limb broke out, and center me on the head, broke my sfaty glasses, which cut me by the ear. Man really cracked, me, not been hit that hard in awhile, knocked the wind out of me. Good thing for my forester hard hat. Funny thing I never saw the limb coming.
What's up gang, Neil and Randy I agree bar covers, all the way. Always been big on it, and no dull chains, even one tooth makes a difference as u know. I am short on em, and rest them on that borad in the back, so no bed contact. Wiil get some as I do need em, I usually pull my trailer, and they rest in slots cut in a 4x6. It is my favorirte way to haul em. Aaron nice Pic!. Man had to call for reinforcements, to get that job done, ten pines total, just a mess of brush, and Parmeter and I cut enough to burn 1.5 galons each for sawing today. That is how much we cut. Had 3 pull trees, and fell the rest, wedged em all drove one. Had to call a pal of mine down the street to help finish> I am already hurting. It was the 2101, 372, 660 today. Mostly 2101, I nicked something with the 66 was swapping between the two, and no time to file. Was a rough day though, look at my boots they are worked hard! I had a close call we were falling one. I was off to the side, John dropped it, and I was looking up the whole time. A limb broke out, and center me on the head, broke my sfaty glasses, which cut me by the ear. Man really cracked, me, not been hit that hard in awhile, knocked the wind out of me. Good thing for my forester hard hat. Funny thing I never saw the limb coming.

sorry to hear you coped one, makes you feel sick when the shock of it hits you. I've been hit a few times over my falling carreer and its no fun at all.
John falling one, the me gunning one, and it's headed down!

.....looks like the working man did some working. :hmm3grin2orange: Hey Norm, you feeling O.K. after that crack on the head? Glad to hear it wasn't more serious! :msp_ohmy: Nice pics, looks like you needed all the help you could get. I took down the last Hemlock to finish up the job for the home owner, nobody home so no word on the "next job". :dunno: I got some pics and a little video, I'll try to post it up later. Right now I gotta go put on the coffee and get ready to go to work, we're still very busy. :msp_thumbup: I'll never complain about too much work.....:laugh:
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
Neil, and Randy thanks. Yeah I am all good and yeah, does shock u. Man it took five of us, and we could have used more help! Good to see you Lee, hope the 166's are doing good!
What's up gang, Neil and Randy I agree bar covers, all the way. Always been big on it, and no dull chains, even one tooth makes a difference as u know. I am short on em, and rest them on that borad in the back, so no bed contact. Wiil get some as I do need em, I usually pull my trailer, and they rest in slots cut in a 4x6. It is my favorirte way to haul em. Aaron nice Pic!. Man had to call for reinforcements, to get that job done, ten pines total, just a mess of brush, and Parmeter and I cut enough to burn 1.5 galons each for sawing today. That is how much we cut. Had 3 pull trees, and fell the rest, wedged em all drove one. Had to call a pal of mine down the street to help finish> I am already hurting. It was the 2101, 372, 660 today. Mostly 2101, I nicked something with the 66 was swapping between the two, and no time to file. Was a rough day though, look at my boots they are worked hard! I had a close call we were falling one. I was off to the side, John dropped it, and I was looking up the whole time. A limb broke out, and center me on the head, broke my sfaty glasses, which cut me by the ear. Man really cracked, me, not been hit that hard in awhile, knocked the wind out of me. Good thing for my forester hard hat. Funny thing I never saw the limb coming.

Neil, and Randy thanks. Yeah I am all good and yeah, does shock u. Man it took five of us, and we could have used more help! Good to see you Lee, hope the 166's are doing good!

You know there was another pal of yours about 2 miles away that could've helped you finish bucking those buggers up if you'd called him. He's an eccentric fellow who runs old saws.......:D
.....pulling over the Hemlock.....

Neil, and Randy thanks. Yeah I am all good and yeah, does shock u. Man it took five of us, and we could have used more help! Good to see you Lee, hope the 166's are doing good!

Hey Norm,
.....glad to here you're okay, lot of people get hurt that way, it's a good reminder to me to be even more aware of what's above me when I'm cutting. :msp_scared: You know Norm, that's the kind of work I REALLY enjoy doing, unfortunately the commute is a little too long. :hmm3grin2orange: I had an "easy" day yesterday taking down the last Hemlock. My wife was there as "photographer" only, she has no problem helping with some "groundie" work but not take downs. As I said it had some lean and most of the limbs going against the direction the home owner wanted it go, but it was pretty straight forward rigging with a bull rope, a redirect, and a come along. Really wasn't that "big", I put a tape on it after I dropped it, 51ft tall. Here's a few pics.....

.....only needed one toss with the throw line to hit the spot for the bull rope.....


.....pull the rope through the tree about 3/4 of the way up and tie off to the trunk with a running bowline.....

attachment.php the rope through a redirect.....


.....pretension the rope with the come along.....


.....cut the back cut leaving a little extra hinge to hold the tree on the stump, finish pulling with the come along, and it's safely down.....


I'll put a short video together as soon as I can and post it. All this "rigging stuff" is new to me, really interesting stuff, I like it!!!

Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
You know there was another pal of yours about 2 miles away that could've helped you finish bucking those buggers up if you'd called him. He's an eccentric fellow who runs old saws.......:D
I know buddy, I apologize, it hit me later toward the end of the day. No excuse, just was not my day! Sorry pal, we will get you in there, and thank you!:clap:
Great pics Randy. Real nice work!!!!:clap::clap:

Thanks Norm,
I'm still working on that other video but I finished up the one on the Oak tree. I'm kinda upset with myself 'cause I didn't get pics of the hauling or loading/unloading. :msp_thumbdn: Oh well.....just some cutting and pickup, the not so glamorous stuff, I still enjoy it though. :msp_w00t: Take a look, tell me what you see. All comments/criticism are very much appreciated.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:

Bucking Up Oak With Old Lightning Strike - YouTube
More great pics all! Put my camera in my lunch box, try and take some in the morning. Finally moved into some nicer timber and getting to run the 390 I bought about 3 months ago.

Some pics of the Mission Range on the drive out, started this one up Monday, bouncing between here and two others in the Bitterroots.

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Norm glad you are ok stuff falling from the sky can be kind of bad for anyone. Good thing for the helmet.

I forgot now who turned me on to the Climb right flip line:confused:to lazt to go back read through all the post at the moment. But I will say wow what a diffrence to use that then what I had before. Completely feel much safer being able to adjust the line smaller and larger as I dropped a dead pine tree nothing big maybe 30' over all and I climbed it to I would say 20' and cut the top out short as it was near a wire sheilded for a lite pole so I did not want to tip the top off into the wire.

Customer came out and sat in his garge the whole time and very happily said looks like you have done this before:msp_biggrin: I took it as a compliment.

Now for the screw up of the day though which I am hesitant to say:dizzy: He had a storm damaged trunk on an ash tree that he cut most of it off but wanted it cut back to the tree flush. No problem. I under cut it with my 200T so as to not peel back the bark and thne brought out the Dolmar 9010 which has a 28" bar and the this limb/trunk section was every bit 25" at the tree. So I proceed to cut it and all of a sudden it popped and ripped the saw right out of my hand:msp_scared: I realized I had slightly missed my undercut by maybe an 1" and when the branch popped it took the saw with it.

Saw fell about 12' and thankfully fell away from the limb and was still running when I got down to it. No damage:clap: ( the chain brake set on it when it hit I guess) Just a lesson learned. Thankfully customer went in before this happened as I let the explicatives roll when it happened. I was very lucky. If I had the saw a little more level to the cut it would have been fine but I had it tipped down jst enough for the break away to catch the bar and flip it.

I hope not to do that ever again.
Good stuff Randy real nice job. Sam great to see you, and beautiful mountains. What do you think of the 390 so far?
More great pics all! Put my camera in my lunch box, try and take some in the morning. Finally moved into some nicer timber and getting to run the 390 I bought about 3 months ago.

Some pics of the Mission Range on the drive out, started this one up Monday, bouncing between here and two others in the Bitterroots.

View attachment 243754

View attachment 243755

Awesome pics! That's just flat out beautiful. :msp_thumbup:
Norm glad you are ok stuff falling from the sky can be kind of bad for anyone. Good thing for the helmet.

I forgot now who turned me on to the Climb right flip line:confused:to lazt to go back read through all the post at the moment. But I will say wow what a diffrence to use that then what I had before. Completely feel much safer being able to adjust the line smaller and larger as I dropped a dead pine tree nothing big maybe 30' over all and I climbed it to I would say 20' and cut the top out short as it was near a wire sheilded for a lite pole so I did not want to tip the top off into the wire.

Customer came out and sat in his garge the whole time and very happily said looks like you have done this before:msp_biggrin: I took it as a compliment.

Now for the screw up of the day though which I am hesitant to say:dizzy: He had a storm damaged trunk on an ash tree that he cut most of it off but wanted it cut back to the tree flush. No problem. I under cut it with my 200T so as to not peel back the bark and thne brought out the Dolmar 9010 which has a 28" bar and the this limb/trunk section was every bit 25" at the tree. So I proceed to cut it and all of a sudden it popped and ripped the saw right out of my hand:msp_scared: I realized I had slightly missed my undercut by maybe an 1" and when the branch popped it took the saw with it.

Saw fell about 12' and thankfully fell away from the limb and was still running when I got down to it. No damage:clap: ( the chain brake set on it when it hit I guess) Just a lesson learned. Thankfully customer went in before this happened as I let the explicatives roll when it happened. I was very lucky. If I had the saw a little more level to the cut it would have been fine but I had it tipped down jst enough for the break away to catch the bar and flip it.

I hope not to do that ever again.

Hey Shane,
I've had the same thing happen to me. A few years back, it very nearly yanked the saw out of my hand. Same situation, missed the undercut. It's a hard way to learn a lesson. Glad to hear nothing "serious" happened. :msp_ohmy: Sounds like everything else went well, good to hear that flip line is working out for ya'. :msp_thumbup:

Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
.....small Hemlock.....

Great pics Sam,
.....that's quite a location you're working in, beautiful scenery.
Norm, I've got that video on that small Hemlock uploaded, take a look, :popcorn: tell me what you see.
Comment/criticize, I appreciate any and all of it. :msp_thumbup:
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:

Hemlock Take Down Using a Come Along - YouTube
Great pics Sam,
.....that's quite a location you're working in, beautiful scenery.

It's really nice up there, but the damn humidity has been a killer lately, not used to it out here. 30% and I want to lay down and die, 93% this morning, brutal. You Eastern guys are tougher than me....Grew up in Indiana and couldn't stand it!

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