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Bringing Common Sense to the Common Man
You gotta' be kidding me...chits like you are a dime a dozen...
Bringing Common Sense to the Common Man
What are you talking about...I have the distinct feeling we are not on the same page...
I've done it many times when the power has gone out. In fact had the generator running when they were working on fixing a broken line on my property. When they left there were no dead guys left behind.
Maybe linemen are like the military and loggers - they don't leave the dead behind.
Then again I don't cut with chaps either.
Anyway most people are smart enough to turn the main breakers on and off properly. The only problem comes from morons or when someone is messing with someone elses jerry rigging.
I have a 200 amp main shutoff right under the meter. Then from a welding outlet in my garage or shed I can backfeed the house, garage and woodshop simultaneously. Its nice to have lights in all you buildings when the power is out after dark.
The worst part with this method is not knowing when the power comes back on unless you can see your neighbors lights come back on since you are disconnected. I am going to wire up a low wattage light on the meter side of the shutoff so when the power is on it will be easy to tell. I also have one of those new fangled meters with the digital display so the display may tell me when the power is on and I won't ned a light.
IF anyone tends/wants to do an install "on the fly" or on the prepared to pay the should have some type of "procedure" on your panel box to change over to gen power at the least...:deadhorse:
I'm a licensed electrician too, but Cord/Lab have said it all.
I have a twist connector at my ac compressor and a switch to disconnect the compressore. Then I feed through the 22 volt line from the compressor to the main panel. I just cut the main breaker so it won't backfeed and I have power to the house
Yeah, you will survive that way, but not much else.