This guy just don't get it!!!

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Story about a lil kitty

One night a lil kitty was meowing at my door.
So I gave it some milk and the next night....
the kitty came back for more.

Sounds like you're trying to give him a chance.
I say communication is key, let him know (strt forward w/o any confusion) that he's over the line.
If he persists, drop the boom.

Here kitty, kitty.
In my town we have people who actually maim themselves to get sympathy from the public. I feel sorry for these people. I would give them money if I thought it wasn't going to the nearby liquor store or drug dealer. This guy sounds like he is of this mentality. Grub off of people and someday you will get a break and all will be alright. By giving in to these people you are giving them the wrong message. Life is not like a box of chocolate or a bowl of cherries. Some people don't get the message until you beat them over their heads with it a few times. You can let somebody know to stop right now without getting physical. Especially if your a timber hauler with a sheriff as a wife to boot.
if you permit you will promote

weather its my logging equipment or my carpentry equipment i dont lend it out, I dont even let my borther
Don't get me wrong I'm all for helping people but you shouldn't lend him stuff if he's not going to compensate you in anyway or bring it back in a crappy state. My cousin's a concrete worker and he'll do sidejobs and borrow Bobcats and other equipment(the sidejobs are after his normal job so he can't really rent them) from some of his contractor buddies but he'll either pay for it or do a discount job or help them out on a difficult job. They're all good friends and let each other know when they cross the line but they always do something in return for a favor. Just my opinion. Evan
When he called today,I laughed at him directly....Use my grapple truck,no...Use my New Holland,no....Pay for me to bring one of them to the job and do what he needs done,then we'll talk is basically what I told him,then he quickly changed his mind about needing my help...I realized the day I lent him the saw that I just screwed up...But he's been around at least four times since he screwed my climber,and each time I sent him packin'...As for kicking his ass...well,he didn't do anything to me directly to warrant an ass whoopin' except for being annoying.As for what he did with my climber,Steve is a big boy,and doesn't hold much back,so I'm sure Steve held his own,and he hasn't asked for him again......I'm the mellow one,my wife would be more likely to kick his ass.:hmm3grin2orange:
Being annoying has yet to become an arrestable offense...But we're working on it.
One night a lil kitty was meowing at my door.
So I gave it some milk and the next night....
the kitty came back for more.

Sounds like you're trying to give him a chance.
I say communication is key, let him know (strt forward w/o any confusion) that he's over the line.
If he persists, drop the boom.

Here kitty, kitty.

9th year MCA....what up bro! good kitty analogy

here kitty, kitty:hmm3grin2orange:
I can't believe this thread has lasted so long. I'd have blown the guy up the FIRST time. and his kitty......................

and mad props to the 9thyearrookieMCA!
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He's a moocher

There is a difference between borrowing and mooching...

I borrow kit from my friend, his business is bigger and more varied so he has kit I can't yet afford..BUT when he gets it back, it is cleaned all over, sharp chain, full gas and oil, AND a six pack of green bottles!
Oh yeah, if I break it, I fix it!
With big equipment, pay the price for rental or a service provider, high lift, crane truck...

Your equipment is worth MONEY, you know he's going to charge his client for it... make him pay or GO AWAY!!!
This guy sounds like a grade a doushe. Your the the pro and he's in your turf, making us all look bad. Survival of the fittest. Take him out by any means necessary, no one needs those type around. Those guys cut in to our bottom line and perpetuate a negative stigma about tree men. Don't ever help him, do what you can to drive him out of town.
Just mail him a rate list for man and equipment hours + travel times.

Dear sir,

The above are the rates I am willing to work with you at. After all we are a busness and need to pay for the equipment being used.

Travel rates are for eqipment, travel is billed both to and from your job site(s).

Employees will be charged at standard rate portal to portal, from our yard. Employees are required to follow our safety standards.

Due to liability and insurnace issues, no person but an autherized employee of our company will operate our equipment.

Equipment rates are for "in use" and "travel/transport" with an X-hour minimum. Our employee will log times and the bill will be due on reciept.​

Then the nest time he calls you you can ask him if he got the rate list, and you'll give the driver/operator a contract for him to sign on arrival. If he calls again that is.

as for the climber that got $75 for a days work, that's his own darned fault for not locking the price down from the start. :laugh:
everyone has to eat. just dont let anyone/everyone eat off your table!

Yup +1, my best guests are my friends too, now........................................................

Bring out the turkey!!!!

:cheers: *passes 'em around* Urppppp* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
came back dull and with the chain hanging off.never again.

i won't even let my partner borrow my equipment buddy i would but i know how he is.he has his own though and never would need to.well,he owns stihls so he may need to now that i think of it.

otherwise,if you want to borrow my stuff,you have to leave enough of a cash deposit so i can go buy another,tax included.
I will loan no tool which can cause injury or property damage
and tell askers that it is insurance thing! This is not a lie but
is part truth, if they hurt themselves with tools provided by
your company; well, you become employer.
I don't lend out anything nor do I rent out anything but I will tell someone how much it will cost them for me to come do it for them or help them. Had a guy once see my at an auto parts store with my truck and chipper and he asked if I would be interested in helping him take down a tree I said sure but want to see it first so we go look and it's wasn't a tough job so I told him $200 to help get it down and for his guys to chip the brush, he said ok and asked if I had the stuff needed to do the job (ropes, saws and such) so I said yes but that's $50 more and he agreed so we set time and day for the job, well when I get there he asked, "where is you climbing gear" I told him I don't let other people use my gear and asked where his was and he said he had to sell his to pay his phone bill.......yeah right, crack head........I told him that the only thing he has too do tree work with is his ass and laughed in his face and left.

found out later on that he went to jail for stealing equipment from other people too support his crack habit.
In my town we have people who actually maim themselves to get sympathy from the public. I feel sorry for these people. I would give them money if I thought it wasn't going to the nearby liquor store or drug dealer. This guy sounds like he is of this mentality. Grub off of people and someday you will get a break and all will be alright. By giving in to these people you are giving them the wrong message. Life is not like a box of chocolate or a bowl of cherries. Some people don't get the message until you beat them over their heads with it a few times. You can let somebody know to stop right now without getting physical. Especially if your a timber hauler with a sheriff as a wife to boot.
ya moved to the big city?
I'd kick him in the crotch with my Corks just for being such a slimy human. I swear some guys have brass cahonies, mush for brains, and the personality of a slug that passed through a road block of salt! :deadhorse:

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