This is why one should NEVER refer to ExpertVillage videos on YouTube.

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Jan 7, 2001
Reaction score
Poopin’ in yer bathroom
This is me doing an impersonation of the type of people that give their horrible advice in their homemade ExpertVillage videos.

If anyone has a brain, they won't refer to any of the information offered.

It's done with humor as well, so please, have a good laugh if you will.

"How to safely operate and maintain a chainsaw" :)
dude great saw but you have way too much free time go start that saw and cut something up.
Brilliant, I now know how to start my chainsaw. It is also such a great relief to know that I really don't have to be safe because the chainsaw has a special safety stopper that will stop anything bad that is about to happen from happening. Who would have thought to be extra safe you keep the safety cap on the chain.
I thought it was pretty good. I you changed the tittle i would have though it was expert village.
Saw looks to clean. GO get it dirty!
Not funny, really.

Frankly, it's too realistic to be good parody. I'm serious!

I have two fervent hopes about that idiot chainsaw "expert" on the Village:

  1. Nobody ever gets hurt by listening to him.
  2. If hope #1 doesn't pan out, I hope he AND Expert Village get sued into oblivion!
Not funny, really.

Frankly, it's too realistic to be good parody. I'm serious!

I have two fervent hopes about that idiot chainsaw "expert" on the Village:

  1. Nobody ever gets hurt by listening to him.
  2. If hope #1 doesn't pan out, I hope he AND Expert Village get sued into oblivion!

lol now that was funny this thread finally paid off. I thought I had wasted 5 minutes of my life but few now I feel vindicated.
The first thing they will be trying to do if watching him,is hold the top handle of the saw with right hand,and pulling with the left ,while the bar is inches from their leg.

The average HO would be better off w/out ever seeing that guy IDIOT.
I watched an instructional video the other day on chainsaw sharpening and this 'expert' was filing in the wrong direction.