I just had a thought, maybe it’s the carb?! It was an aftermarket (probs farmer-tech) carb.
Are these Chinese’s carbs known to be temperamental?
I’m going to put the stihl one in and try again and see if it runs again since stripping the saw again. Last time I tried this, I didn’t have the plastic cover on etc.Why I didn’t think about that before I don’t know, I thought it was just my inability to tune or that it was the piston... It could be the carb all along. If it runs fine with the other (stihl) carb, then surly it’s the aftermarket carb that’s the problem... it wouldn’t surprise me that it’s total junk come to think of it...
I’m going to check the height of the metering lever too on the Chinese’s carb while I have it off the saw too as I haven’t checked that.
I have had varying degrees of success with china carbs.
Yes, you need to take it all apart, and go over it with a fine tooth comb, no telling what was done during assembly, assume nothing was done right as a starting point.
You do have the impulse hole in the center of carb mount that usually comes with the brass plug that you have to remove, and to blank off the impulse line to the side with some gorilla snot?
out this morning mate, but will forward my phno to you, and we can go over some things quickly.