Tillotson Carb Kit Needed:

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Lewis Brander

Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
Ogdensburg, NY
Hi to all. I have aquired a Homelite, model 5-20, saw with a Tillotson HP-15B carburetor on it. I got the saw cleaned up and got the magneto to put out a good spark and have had her running, but the diaphragms in the carb are hard and stiff. The saw hasn't much use. I pulled the muffler cap and you can still see the crosshatch pattern in the cylinder and machine marks on the piston. I believe that she has the original chain and bar on it and the drive sprocket shows little wear. The diaphragm kit I believe I'm looking for is Tolletson part # DG1-HDP. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Lewis.
l'll check with a shop here tomorrow for ya Lewis, he has loads of old parts.
To BlackSmith:

Hi BlackSmith. Any help you can give me will be well appreciated. I've sent out several emails today looking for the parts kit. So far nothing was located. I've disassembled the carb and was surprised to see it was perfectly clean inside. One check valve in the inlet side of the fuel pump was stuck, and the arm on the fuel metering needle valve needed some adjustment. but other wise the carb looks new. Just the diaphragms needed to be replaced. Hopefully a diapgragm kit can be located, that would really make my day. Thanks for your help. Lewis.
Any one know whom this is?

I got an email back from a local parts dealer (Gambles of Carthage, NY) and they couldn't help with the kit. They suggestied I call: 1-800-chainsaw. Anyone know what this nimber pertains to? Has anyone on this site called this number? Replies appreciated. Just was wondering who's number or business this is. I'll try to do a reverse look up for businesses and see if I get any results. Thanks. Lewis.
Tillotson, HP-15B, Carb Kit:

Hello to all. I did some more internet searching and cami up with a canadian company ( www.bantasaw.com ) that shows the diaphram kit I need for the HP-15B carburetor. The part # is: 615-323 and price is $12..34 CDN$ + shipping. This part replaces the DG1-HDP Tillotson carb. diaphragm kit. I sent them an email to see if the kit was available from them. They list all sorts of carb kits for 2 and 4 cycle engine applocations, for those who are interested.

BlackSmith. I would still like to hear from you if you happened to find the kit, at the shop, where you live. Hoping to hear form you. Thanks. Lewis.
hey Louie,
checked with the shop here today, the guy never heard of a "HP" series tillotson. l showed him Mike Acre's site, he said "well ain't that kewl"...lmao, another good reason crackheads shouldn't inherit they're parents biz...sorry but l tried

I wonder if they sell kits for a Bing 48 carb. I'm not quite ready to fork out to Stihl $25 for a diaphragm kit or $47 for a repair kit.

What a racket!:mad:

Chris B.
To BlackSmith:

BlackSmith. Thanks for trying. I really appreciate it. Wish it would have been available. I'll wait for a reply from Bantasaw. Thanks again. Lewis.

To cbfarmall: I don't remember seeing that carb listed there. But our of curiosety will look some more. Lewis.
Hp-15B, Diaphragm kit:

Hello to all. I received an email from Bantasaw. The diaphragm kit is available for that carburetor (Tillotson, HP-15B). They were prompt in there reply and quoted shipping to my address.

I believe that there was one other post on this subject, for the same kit. Hopefully if that person reads this he'll be able to order the kit for his saw.

cbfarmall. I didn't see your carb listed in their PDF online catalog. But check them out. They have an extensive line of OEM and other saw accessories, including pistons and cylinders, bars and chains and lots more for various models of saws.

Hope this site is helpfull in locaking what you might be looking for.
Everyone take care. Lewis.

I searched their website and they listed one Bing kit for a Stihl but did NOT list which one and I couldn't find in their .pdf catalog. I e-mailed them and just received their reply which was something to the effect of I brought to their attention that a page was missing from their catalog and wil fix that. Also, the kit is for 038 Stihls, just what Im looking, although they didn't confirm that it is a Bing 48 kit.

Chris B.
To cbfarmall:

Don't know why, but can't find the bing carb listing at all, on their site. Went through all their carb listings for kits and parts for 2 cycle engines. Not familiar with the Bing carb. Where did you find the bing carb listed under? Lewis.
HP-15B carb kits:

Ordered 2 of those kits today from bantasaw. Hopefully they'll be here by the end of the week. I know my wife will be happy to see them arrive. Can't wait to get the old Homelite, 5-20, going to see what she'll do.

Does anyone know what was used in the gearbox on that saw for oil? I drained and flushed the gearbox and put some 10w-30 mobil 1 back in to run for awhile and will flush the gear box again. Don't have a service manuel or parts manuel for the saw, so not sure what was used in the reduction gearboxes. Thanks. Lewis.
Hi Lewis,
1975 Homelite service manual does not list that saw.But the gear drive saws listed, all used Homelite gear oil or SAE 90 gear lubricant. Finding a sevice manual for the 50's and 60's saws is a tall order.
Thank, Ray:

Thanks for the reply. The oil I drained did smell like 90 gear oil. It was black as tar and the oil level was way low. I put in the 10w-30 oil to run for a while and will flush the gearbox again. I didn't find anything in the oil when I first drained it to indicate problems. I have some 80/90 Mobil 1 synthetic gear oil I'll put in once I drain and flush the gear boxe again. My old Disston operator's manuel says to use straight non detergent 30 weight for the gear box on that saw along witn the chain oiler. So was curious to know if the old Homelites used different oil. Thanks, again. Take care. Lewis.
Parts for Tollitson:

Got a confirmatin from Bantasaw. Will take 6-12 days to get here, at least the 2 kits I ordered are on their way. Can't wait to hear the 5-20 run. She's all cleaned up, has a great spark, chain is sharpened and is ready to go once the diaphragms are instailled. Wiill post some pics, once I take some. Thanks for all the replies. Lewis.

On bantasaw's main page, they have a search box. I typed "Bing" in there and it brought up the one listing.

Re: gear oil.

This doesn't apply to your saw, but a lot of those old applications that called for 90 weight or heavier oils (tractors, gearboxes, etc..), would nowadays, w/ new seals and bearings, be much better off with a good transmission oil like IH Hytran or the equivalent. It does have a higher EP rating than 90W. Reason people use heavy stuff is because of leaks and it's probably cheaper.

When I helped completely rebuild a rear-end for a drag car, we used Hytran and not the synthetic stuff the owner gave us.

If it's good enough for tractor and heavy equipment trannies and rear-ends, it's more than enough for cars.

Chris B.
Gearbox oils.

To cbfarmall. I had a 71 Toyota Corolla stationwagon ( I had bought new) and after a time the transmission (standard 4 speed) began to shift hard (especially into 2nd gear). It had worked fine, then it started acting up in cold weather. I ended up changing the oil from what ever they had in it (EP 90?) and went to Dextron auto trany fluid. That seemed to take care of the problem.

I was thinking that the 80/90 oil might be a little heavy especally in cold weather in that saw. I have some 10w30 in the reduction gear box for now. I'll run it for a bit and warm up the gearbos and drain and flush. I like your idea of the Hytran fluid. Seems like the clutch might work better (engage and slip less) with that fluid ecpecially in cold weather. So far I don't notice any leaks from the gear box. Will know more once I get her to actually run. Thanks for the suggestion. You take care. Lewis.
Carb kits:

Well, the carb kits were sent out on the 12th of Oct. and they arrived today around 5:20 PM. I have installed the diaphragm kit in the old Tollitson, HP-15B, carb and will attempt to fire her up tomorrow. Have had her running, but she wasn't getting enough fuel to keep running with the old stiff diaphragms. OK, will let you know what happens and will post some pics at some time. Thanks for all the replies. Talk later and take care. Lewis.
Carb Kits installed/ Coil?

I installed the carb kit, now getting lots of fuel, but now it appears that the coil isn't as hot as it could be. I throws a bright blue spark (at .025" gap), but now wondering it it's strong enough under compression. I took an old plug and opened the gap to about 1/4" and there is no spark or at time a weak spark across it. Will throw a good spark up to about .100" and that's about it. Will tear the saw down and check further in the next few days. Have a lead on a coil on ebay, but it looks like a coil that fits the 600 D Homelite. The seller says it also fits the 5-20 and others. Not sure wheather to buy it or not. Talk later. Lewis.

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